(Ian Williams is another leftist supporter of the EU Constitution along
with Toni Negri. Williams distinguished himself as a long-time supporter of
NATO's wars in the Balkans.)

Just Say Non to Progressive Values
By Ian Williams, AlterNet. Posted June 1, 2005.

The French predictably voted "non!" to the proposed EU constitution this
weekend. While the outcome of the referendum was hardly surprising, the
reactions of some U.S. commentators to the vote were as collectively
incoherent as the motives of the voters themselves.

Diehard conservatives in the United States cheered on French Communists and
leftists for their success in frustrating a multinational challenger to
U.S. global dominance, while many on the American left expressed solidarity
with their French comrades who joined with fascists to vote down a
"capitalist" constitution. The irony of this blinkered endorsement is
redoubled by the rejected constitution itself, which guarantees rights
undreamt of by any liberal in the United States. This is a constitution
derided by the conservative Weekly Standard for guaranteeing "entitlement
to social security benefits and social services providing protection in
cases such as maternity, illness, industrial accidents, dependency or old
age, and in the case of loss of employment." How can so-called liberals in
a country that has 45 million uninsured citizens dismiss a document that
ensures the right of access to preventive health care and the right to
benefit from medical treatment?

The draft constitution even has a clause on animal rights -- whither
Brigitte Bardot? -- and recognizes equal rights for religions and
"philosophical" associations for all those born-again atheists.

full: http://www.alternet.org/story/22123/



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