Nation Magazine, March 16, 2005
The Mideast Comes to Columbia
by Scott Sherman

In December 2003 Rabbi Charles Sheer, the director of the Columbia/Barnard
chapter of Hillel, the Jewish campus organization, dispatched an e-bulletin
to alumni, students and supporters. There was much to report: In 2002 a
movement of students and professors had urged Columbia to divest from
companies that manufactured and sold weaponry to Israel. In the end, Rabbi
Sheer had vanquished the prodivestment forces with a well-executed campaign
that garnered 33,000 signatures. "There have not been any major divestment
campaigns on any US campus, and almost no anti-Israel student-initiated
activity--speakers, films or demonstrations--on our campus," Sheer noted
with pride. "That's the good news." The bad news? "The battleground
regarding the Middle East at Columbia University has shifted to the
classroom." Rabbi Sheer was mainly referring to classrooms in a single
department--Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures (MEALAC)--and he
hinted that a counterstrike against MEALAC was in the making: "A student
group," he wrote, "is currently working on a video that records how
intimidated students feel by advocacy teaching...."

Ten months later the New York Sun, a small but influential conservative
daily, broke the story of the video Sheer was referring to. The film, the
Sun noted, "consists of interviews with several students who contend that
they have felt threatened academically for expressing a pro-Israel point of
view in classrooms." Titled Columbia Unbecoming, the film was produced by
the David Project, a shadowy, Boston-based group that has ties to the
Israel on Campus Coalition, an organization whose members include the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL) and the American Jewish Committee.

Over the next five months the Sun ran dozens of rough-edged stories about
developments pertaining to the film, many of which appeared under the
tagline "Crisis at Columbia." The paper also hammered the university in a
series of editorials: "The Education Department recently indicated it will
expand its enforcement activities in respect of campus anti-semitism," the
Sun averred on November 19. "Our reporting suggests that eventually federal
authorities will have to get involved at Columbia." Other local papers
echoed the Sun's reporting. On November 21 the Daily News published a
"special report" headlined "Poison Ivy: Climate of Hate Rocks Columbia
University," in which the paper proclaimed, "Dozens of academics are said
to be promoting an I-hate-Israel agenda, embracing the ugliest of Arab
propaganda, and teaching that Zionism is the root of all evil in the
Mideast." Similar sentiments appeared on the editorial pages of the New
York Post and the Wall Street Journal, in the Village Voice (under the
byline of Nat Hentoff) and on Fox News.

Local politicians, too, rushed into the fray: In late October US
Representative Anthony Weiner, a Democrat who is running for mayor, wrote
to Columbia president Lee Bollinger, demanding that he fire Joseph Massad,
one of the professors assailed in the film, for "his displays of

The MEALAC professors singled out by Columbia Unbecoming--Joseph Massad,
Hamid Dabashi and George Saliba--did not cower before the allegations.
"This witch-hunt," Massad declared in a furious riposte, "aims to stifle
pluralism, academic freedom, and the freedom of expression on university
campuses in order to ensure that only one opinion is permitted, that of
uncritical support for the state of Israel."

Dabashi, for his part, greeted the controversy with a mixture of
indignation and melancholy. He was born in Iran, and has lived in the
United States since 1976. "This is not the face of the United States that I
can any longer recognize," Dabashi said recently. "This is not the country
to which I immigrated and chose to call home more than a quarter of a
century ago--a place where my political heroes lived, people I grew up
admiring: Thomas Jefferson, Frederick Douglass, Herman Melville, Ralph
Ellison, Rosa Parks, Stanley Kubrick, Ella Fitzgerald. How in such a short
time could the face of a nation and the promise of its hopes change so
radically, so unrecognizably?"



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