The Fable of Greebey Vather, Time Traveler Extraordinaire
from Jesus' General

by nezua limón xolagrafik-jonez

[I see a screenplay blooming. Dealing with a favorite theme: time
travel. You now think you'll steal this zeitgeisty gem from me, but
you cannot because in the future, I have already finished it, and am
mailing it to myself yesterday in a walnut sealed in Presidential
earwax and pressurized to resist even election-year terror alerts.]

OUR TALE BEGINS with a man who desperately seeks an answer to his
deepest, heart-sprung questions, headed up by the quintessential and
Googlicious How Do I Get Rid of the Mexicans

You see, our protagonist feels his very nation is under dire attack by
the filthy mongrel hordes from the South, those who bark that most
Arrogant and Sickening
of Languages—Español, those who dare to settle into his beautiful
nation, hellbent on storming the kitchens and fields and meatpacking
plants and canning plants and steel factories

...or to otherwise seek to implement that most foul of Mexican
behaviors: the trading of work for pay.

Let's call our protagonist "Greebey." Let's call him "Greebey Vather."
Let's pronounce that "Vay-thur." Let's make his middle initial "N" and
then let's give him two rags in his back pockets, one on each side.
One is the confederate flag, which he never uses to blow his nose. The
other is the one he uses to blow his nose. But he always carries both.
No, make that confederate flag a stars N stripes. but with the circle
of stars, not the rows. No, make it a Budweiser eagle bandanna, yeah,
bleached from too many days in the sunlight falling upon his cracked
dashboard, where it usually rests. Render Vather's bandanna Made in
China. We don't need a label. Wait, make it a bleached-out watermark
on the bandanna. Only Vather never looks close enough to see it.

Okay, so Greebey N. Vather, being an amateur culture-healer, has
diagnosed the trouble with his nation. It's not greed, it's not war,
it's not ignoring the sick and the weak and the poor, no, it's nothing
like that. In fact, Vather has a name for it, and he calls it
"Immigration-Stress Syndrome."

To tell you the truth, Vather is pretty proud of himself. After all,
he comes up with the name after simmering on the couch in a chunky
stew of flatus barely penetrable by the hyper-acidic rays of TV
punditry and a well-aimed onslaught of advertisements that urge him
endlessly to Please Check With His Physician if he suspects he is
coming down with "Thoughty Head Syndrome." (Which he scoffs at, of

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