Money Is Everywhere,
But for How Long?
Alan Murray
Wall Street Journal
January 3, 2007

It may be time to put away the bubbly.

The New Year's forecasts are so unrelentingly sanguine that you have to
wonder whether a tanker of strong, black coffee is in order. The U.S.
economy will keep growing. The housing market will recover. The Federal
Reserve will cut interest rates. And financial markets will soar.

The world, it seems, has become intoxicated by the steady flow of what my
fellow financial writers call "liquidity." Money flows freely, like the
vodka from Dennis Kozlowski's infamous ice-hewn David, filling every dark
and desolate crevice of the financial world.

There is a steady stream of resources to the most perilous of emerging
markets, the most hopeless of troubled companies and the most overextended
of home buyers.

That's great fun while it lasts. But does anyone seriously think it will
last forever?

Forecasters are all expecting credit to continue to flow freely to whoever
wants it. But will it last forever?

Let's start with private equity. Private-equity fund raising set a record
last year, as did private-equity deal making. This year will be even bigger.
Look for a precedent-breaking $50 billion deal to be announced before the
big ball falls in Times Square again.

The private-equity geniuses would have you believe this is because they've
discovered a superior form of running companies. Perhaps some of them have.
But mostly, what they've discovered is an amazing gusher of money.

Take the Employee Retirement System of Texas, which runs $23 billion in
pension-fund assets for state workers. Two weeks ago, the Texas fund
announced that it was going to divert 7% to 8% of its funds to
private-equity investments.

That's not because the Texans have a crystal ball telling them great
private-equity investment opportunities lie ahead. Rather, it's because they
see what they've already missed. Savvier pension funds and endowments that
made private-equity bets five or 10 years ago have enjoyed huge returns, and
everyone else is now scrambling, belatedly, to get in the game.

"It's important for us to keep in mind we're looking in the rearview
mirror," Trustee Craig Hester told the Austin American-Statesman. Yes,

In the meantime, big public companies such as General Electric, whose
plodding shareholder returns have put them out of favor with the
pension-fund crowd, are selling off poorly performing businesses to -- who
else? -- private equity. At his company's annual outlook meeting last month,
GE Chief Executive Jeffrey Immelt expressed wonder at his ability to sell
off the company's dogs. "You know, there is just money everywhere today," he
said. "So you've got a lot of options."

Does it make sense for pension funds to push GE to sell off weak businesses
and then finance the private-equity funds that buy them? That game has
worked well in recent years, largely because the privatized companies have
been loaded up with cheap debt that ensures highly leveraged returns to
their owners.

If the bubbly stuff dries up, however, the game returns to basics. Do
private-equity firms really do a better job running these companies than the
likes of GE? That remains to be seen.

The swollen river of liquidity is also behind happy predictions that housing
will recover later this year. Despite rising default rates, mortgages remain
cheap and easy.

Lenders are still willing to let borrowers bury themselves in debt to buy a
new home. The money gusher also helps explain why the federal government in
Washington can keep spending away, without regard for projections of an
exploding federal deficit. And why the dollar remains relatively strong,
despite swelling trade deficits. Or why the Dow Jones Industrial Average has
managed to go for more than 912 trading days without a 2% daily decline --
the longest such stretch in its history.

Perhaps this flood of money will continue through the new year. Fed Chairman
Ben Bernanke has argued the money flows are the result of a "global savings
glut." Newly enriched investors in the developing world need to put their
money somewhere, and apparently, even the most risky assets will do.

But as long as the good times are rolling, don't expect Mr. Bernanke to cut
interest rates. That's a tool he'll only use when the economy takes a
serious turn for the worse. Those who predict otherwise haven't been
listening to what he's been saying.

And don't be fooled into thinking that more drinking will ease the
inevitable hangover. At some point, something -- a string of big defaults, a
sharp decline in the dollar, or, God forbid, a major terror attack -- will
cause the intoxicating stuff to stop flowing.

The world is still a risky place, and liquidity, at the end of the day, is
just another name for confidence. Eventually, this confidence game will end.

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