> Theodore Sky, _To Provide for the General Welfare: A History of the
> Federal Spending Power_. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press,
> 2003. 442 pp. $75 (cloth), ISBN: 0-87413-793-4.
> Reviewed for EH.NET by Michael R. Adamson, NASA Ames Research Center
> History Office.
> _To Provide for the General Welfare_ traces in meticulous detail and
> with close reasoning executive branch interpretations of Article 1,
> Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution, which delegated authority to
> Congress "to lay and collect taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to
> pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare
> of the United States." It relies on the public papers of the
> presidents, especially annual messages, speeches, and veto messages,
> and, to a lesser extent diaries and correspondence, to show how
> Alexander Hamilton's broad reading of the clause, expressed in his
> _Report on Manufactures_, prevailed over James Madison's "strict
> constructionist" view, argued vigorously in _Federalist No. 41_, his
> 1817 veto of an internal improvements bill, and an 1830 letter to
> Andrew Stevenson, the speaker of the House. Madison held that
> I, Section 8 limited the scope of federal spending to the enumerated
> powers listed therein. For Hamilton, no constitutional amendment was
> necessary to justify federal spending beyond these powers, provided
> that the funds were appropriated on behalf of the general welfare of
> the people, rather than the particular interests of a state or
> section. The decisions of the presidents who believed that a
> constitutional amendment was required to expand the scope of the
> general welfare clause (namely Thomas Jefferson, Madison, and James
> Monroe) to put nation building above political theory and
> constitutional interpretation in their sanctioning of federal
> of certain public works projects ensured that Hamilton's reading of
> the clause would prevail. The actions of the Democratic-Republican
> presidents in the first quarter of the nineteenth century paved the
> way for an evolutionary expansion in the scope and scale of federal
> spending that traces its lineage through presidents John Quincy
> Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and
> Franklin Roosevelt. In this context, the vetoing of certain public
> works projects by Andrew Jackson and other Democratic presidents
> during the balance of the nineteenth century constitute mere pauses
> on the road to a more expansive and progressive American state.
> In focusing on the intentions and thinking of the nation's founders
> and its early presidents -- Sky devotes a mere seventy pages to the
> presidents who followed Lincoln -- _To Provide for the General
> Welfare_ appropriately diminishes the role of the Supreme Court.
> very little debate, the delegates to the U.S. constitutional
> convention self-consciously approved a general welfare clause that
> was sufficiently ambiguous to leave it to subsequent administrations
> to interpret the authority of the federal government in light of
> needs that they could not foresee. Sky devotes a chapter to the
> thinking of nineteenth-century Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story,
> for it was his support for a Hamiltonian reading of the general
> welfare clause on which the majority relied in its 1936 decision in
> _U.S. v. Butler_, when it ruled on the general welfare clause for
> first time. By setting his argument within a programmatic context of
> executive branch policy making, however, Sky convincingly
> demonstrates an executive-branch-driven evolution in spending power
> jurisprudence that should give pause to individuals and
> who look to the court to circumscribe the scope of the American
> state. The political debate about the general welfare clause was
> settled long before the court sanctioned the New Deal in _Butler_.
> Hotly debated during the first fifty years of the American republic,
> the argument over the constitutional interpretation of the clause
> much diminished in Lincoln's annual messages that justified
> to railroads and education during the civil war, and was all but
> absent from the messages of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson in
> support of their progressive programs.
> For Sky, Distinguished Lecturer at the Catholic University of
> School of Law, the spending programs of the eighteenth, nineteenth,
> and twentieth centuries are all of a piece. For instance, in the
> of education, he draws a straight line from the (rejected)
> initiatives of John Quincy Adams for a national university through
> Lincoln's approved aid to states (in the form of land grants) to the
> education initiatives of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society. In
> establishing a close link between modern legislation, particularly
> the areas of health, education, and social welfare, to initiatives
> the presidents of the early republic, Sky in effect argues on behalf
> of a "long Progressive Era" in American history, which Mary O.
> identified in her seminal essay, "Knowing Capitalism: Public
> Investigation and the Labor Question in the Long Progressive Era"
> _The State and Economic Knowledge, edited by Furner and Barry
> 1990). Indeed, _To Provide for the General Welfare_ provides
> to suggest that progressivism was embedded in the American state by
> its founding document -- and therefore well before the 1880s that
> Furner marked as the beginning of the era. In recent years, scholars
> have demonstrated that governments at the state level were activist,
> if not progressive, throughout the nineteenth century. With even the
> advocates of limited federal government ultimately conceding the
> practicality of federal spending in areas not enumerated in Article
> 1, Section 8, the reader may well conclude from Sky's discussion
> it was inevitable that the limited government of Madison and
> Jefferson would become in time the unbounded modern welfare state.
> In identifying a "seamless" legal progression toward the modern
> welfare state, however, Sky conceals important factors that explain
> the experience of state building in America. As James Willard Hurst
> (_Law and the Conditions of Freedom in the Nineteenth-Century United
> States_, 1956) and Theodore Lowi (_The End of Liberalism, 1979; _The
> End of the Republican Era_, 1995) have demonstrated, the
> "traditional" or "patronage" state of the nineteenth century
> fundamentally from the state established by the New Deal, which
> on the expansion of state responsibility undertaken by Teddy
> Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. As Hurst has argued, the state of the
> nineteenth century sought to harness private property and individual
> energy on behalf of growing the economy and providing opportunity.
> was limited in the sense that the laws that defined it were bounded,
> concrete, and specific, as Lowi puts it. Moreover, the state saw
> private property as instrumental in achieving national goals. After
> creating "the conditions of freedom" under which individuals might
> act, the state privileged markets in that it accepted the outcomes
> proprietary or corporate activity. Indeed, Sky's text provides
> indirect evidence of how the state related to the market in this
> manner.
> State building during the twentieth century constituted significant
> points of departure in ideology and institutions that drove a
> fundamental "transformation" in the legal regime, as Morton J.
> Horwitz has argued in _The Transformation of American Law, 1870?
> (1992). In the context of the emergence of corporate capitalism and
> severe economic depression, progressivism and a "new liberalism"
> yielded, for all intents and purposes, an unbounded federal state,
> sanctioned in law, with responsibility not only for the promotion of
> opportunity but the redress of unjust social and economic outcomes.
> While no constitutional amendment has been required for a vast
> expansion in federal government spending beyond the enumerated
> in Article 1, Section 8, the changes that have occurred are not
> explained by a broad reading of the general welfare clause alone.
> Sky's text provides some of the historical context that will help
> readers understand the ideas and political motivations behind the
> programmatic initiatives of modern U.S. presidents. Ultimately, Sky
> relates only part of the story of state responsibility for the
> "general welfare" (albeit an important one), but in a way that seems
> to be all encompassing in explaining its expansion in scope and
> scale. Readers may be forgiven if they come away from their reading
> of the text with a lack of appreciation of the extent to which the
> modern welfare state differs from the American state as it existed
> prior to the New Deal and the Great Society.
> _To Provide for the General Welfare_ will be of interest to
> specialists, including legal scholars, intellectual, economic and
> political historians, law professors, and public policy analysts.
> Economic historians who wish to learn more about the political
> economy of internal improvements during the nineteenth century will
> find the text to be an especially valuable source. Well-written and
> argued, the book nevertheless will appeal less to undergraduate
> students and general readers. Replete with long and block quotes,
> closely argued discussions thereof, the text often reads like a law
> review article. (No criticism of law review articles intended.)
> Historians will likely be disappointed by the lack of references to
> the relevant secondary literature on many topics related to
> progressive political thought, political economy, and economic
> development. Most of the citations of secondary literature refer the
> reader to biographies of the presidents, which may prove
> unsatisfactory to scholars wishing to investigate the historiography
> or history of the aforementioned topics.

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