The New York Times

September 4, 2007
A New Push to Regulate Power Costs

More than a decade after the drive began to convert electricity from a
regulated industry into a competitive one, many states are rolling
back their initiatives or returning money to individuals and

A $1 billion rebate for Illinois residents and businesses, for
example, was signed into law last week. In Ohio, politicians,
utilities, their customers and consumer groups are negotiating how to
end competitive electricity pricing, while Virginia has repealed its

Of the 25 states, and the District of Columbia, that had adopted
competition, only one, California, is even talking about expanding
market pricing.

The main reason behind the effort to return to a more regulated market
is price. Recent Energy Department data shows that the cost of power
in states that embraced competition has risen faster than in states
that had retained traditional rate regulation.

One prominent critic of competitive pricing — Marilyn Showalter, a
former Washington state utility regulator who has become an advocate
of publicly owned power systems — has calculated that, in the year
ending May 31, customers in competitive states paid an extra $48
billion for their power, compared with what they would have paid under
rates in regulated states.

The combination of higher and faster-rising prices has outraged
individual consumers and small businesses and prompted big electric
customers to fight back on political, regulatory and legal fronts.

"It is fair to say that in the states that did restructure, we are on
the defensive," said John Shelk, president of the Electric Power
Supply Association, which represents owners of competitive power

Since the early 1990s, half the states adopted laws, some of them
drafted by Enron, to induce some form of competition. [now they tell

Most of these laws, however, concerned only wholesale markets, and
thus artificially induced competition in only part of the industry.
The system for metering, transmitting or distributing power was not
part of the changes.

After Gov. Rod Blagojevich of Illinois signed a bill into law last
week to provide $1 billion of rate relief for electricity customers,
he hinted that more aid may be coming. He also reiterated his
opposition to the particular kind of auction that Illinois uses for
selling electricity, saying it was unfair to everyone except utilities
and big industrial customers.

Virginia imposed new terms on the state's corporate-owned utilities,
setting price controls by guaranteeing them a profit margin equal to
the average profit margins of utilities in four neighboring states.

Mr. Shelk, of the trade association representing competitive power
plants, called the provision "simply outrageous" and said it removed
incentives for management to improve efficiency.

Connecticut has made changes in its law, too, and many other states
are debating revisions to their laws.

The California legislature suspended that state's electric competition
laws after soaring prices and rolling blackouts caused a backlash in
2001. The president of the California Public Utility Commission has
proposed moving toward competition again, but such a policy shift
might require legislative action.

Thomas H. Rawls of the Alliance for Retail Choice, a pro-competition
group that represents the marketing arms of electric-generating
companies, said that the trend back toward traditional rate regulation
shows "that there is magical thinking, some idea that a regulator can
do magic, which is to reduce prices below what the price is in

"How can a regulator stop prices from going up when commodity prices,
fuel prices, are rising?" he asked.

Many studies, paid for by competition advocates, have shown lower
prices in deregulated states compared with regulated ones. However, a
number of critiques by electricity economists show that the benefits
were not the result of market forces, but of government-imposed
freezes and caps on rates.

Big industrial and commercial customers, the very forces that agitated
for competition originally, are leading the return to traditional
regulation. Then, and now, these big customers say they are being
charged too much.

Marc Yacker, a vice president of the Electricity Consumers Resource
Council, which represents large industrial customers, said that while
competition laws were enacted "we did not get what we asked for, we
got something very different."

"We asked for competition, but we do not see competition in any
wholesale market," he added.

John Anderson, the resource council president, said his group prefers
competition, but only if it creates true markets.

"A healthy dose of real competition would benefit all consumers," Mr.
Anderson said. "Unfortunately there are no examples in America right
now of any real competition, and what is out there is absolutely

The Web site for Industrial Energy Users-Ohio has a countdown clock
showing when the state will expand its competitive model, which the
group fears will lead to higher prices.

"The structure currently in place in Ohio assumed we would have a
competitive market, but we don't," said Samuel C. Randazzo, general
counsel for the energy users group. "I don't think anybody disagrees
with that conclusion, and we need to change the law to reflect that

In many of the deregulated states, utilities were required to sell
their power plants, though they were sometimes sold to sister
companies under the same corporate umbrella.

The supposedly competitive markets did not involve transactions
between equals. The utilities are required by law to supply whatever
volume of power that customers demand. Independent generation
companies do not have this legal obligation. During periods of peak
demand the generation companies can charge prices far above the cost
of production, in some cases 30 times the highest cost of production.

The effect, experiments at Carnegie Mellon and George Mason
Universities have shown, is to allow near monopoly prices even when
there are competing electric-generating companies.

Official reports on pricing data from Texas and other states have
declared some prices were artificially high at times, a characteristic
of an oligopoly. This occurs when a small number of suppliers legally
coordinate their actions, achieving prices close to those a monopoly
could charge.

Peter Van Doren of the Cato Institute, who edits its Regulation
magazine, said that "if you have repeat players in narrow enough
markets" and a grid that is not designed to move electricity
efficiently, prices rise artificially.

Mr. Van Doren added, "Just calling something a market does not make it
a market."

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, however, has declared that
once it determines that a market for electricity is in place, the
prices that result are inherently market prices.

In response to critics who said the agency was using circular logic,
the commission recently announced an inquiry into whether that policy
is sound.

Mr. Van Doren questioned whether state lawmakers have the nuanced
knowledge of the complex economics of electricity to establish laws
creating viable markets.

Ms. Showalter, the former Washington state utility regulator, reached
her conclusion about faster-rising rates for power in competitive
markets by analyzing pricing data provided to the government's Energy
Information Administration.

She examined prices in the 11 states and the District of Columbia that
had gone the furthest in developing competitive markets. The federal
data analyzed showed that power in those jurisdictions cost four cents
a kilowatt-hour more than in regulated states, up from a two-cent
price differential in 2000.

Even taking into account that those jurisdictions began with more
expensive power, she said, "the comparative economic disadvantage to
consumers in the deregulated states is enormous."

She calculated from government data that the total real cost to
consumers in states with competition was $292 billion in higher
electricity prices since 2000.

Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company

Jim Devine / "In the years since the phrase became a cliché, I have
received any number of compliments for my supposed ability to 'think
outside the box.' Actually, it has been a struggle for me to perceive
just what these 'boxes' were — why they were there, why other people
regarded them as important, where their borderlines might be, how to
live safely within and without them." -- Tim Page (THE NEW YORKER,
August 20, 2007).

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