a CPAN near you!

Another quick alpha release.  I noticed in the process of fixing is_deeply()
that once again its handling of string overloaded objects was broken.  So
before I got a string of CDBI folks using 0.51_01 reporting bugs I figured
I'd kick out another release.

The other important bug fixes here is require_ok "some/file/.pl" finally
works using some hopefully not-too-dubious heuristics.  Also is_deeply() 
can finally handle recursive data structures (thanks to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for that patch).

Finally I'm trying out WebSVN for those of you who want to play with the
repository but don't/can't have SVN.

As you can see here the bug count is rapidly approaching 0.  Then I can
start pulling apart the internals again and introduce new bugs!

0.51_02  Sat Nov 27 01:25:25 EST 2004
    * is_deeply() and all the eq_* functions now handle circular data
      structures.  [ 7289]
    * require_ok() now handles filepaths in addition to modules.
    - Clarifying Test::More's position on overloaded objects 
    - Fixed a bug introduced in 0.51_01 causing is_deeply() to pierce
      overloaded objects.
    - Mentioning for reporting bugs.

0.51_01  Fri Nov 26 02:59:30 EST 2004
    - plan() was accidentally exporting functions [ 8385]
    * diag @msgs would insert # between arguments. [ 8392]
    * eq_set() could cause problems under threads due to a weird sort bug
      [ 6782]
    * undef no longer equals '' in is_deeply() [ 6837]
    * is_deeply() would sometimes compare references as strings.
      [ 7031]
    - eq_array() and eq_hash() could hold onto references if they failed
      keeping them in memory and preventing DESTROY.  [ 7032]
    * is_deeply() could confuse [] with a non-existing value
      [ 7030]
    - is_deeply() diagnostics a little off when scalar refs were inside
      an array or hash ref [ 7033]
    - Thanks to Fergal Daly for ferretting out all these long standing 
      is_deeply and eq_* bugs.

0.51  Tue Nov 23 04:51:12 EST 2004
    - Fixed bug in fail_one.t on Windows (not a real bug).
    - TODO reasons as overloaded objects now won't blow up under threads.
      [Autrijus Tang]
    - skip() in 0.50 tickled yet another bug in threads::shared.  Hacked
      around it.

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Moosy doom.

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