
> Executive Summary: If you're using Test::Builder::Tester to test your Test
> module, switch to Test::Tester.  ...
> :
> :
> What say?

Well, I say that it's a bit of a PITA, but I'll add it to my TODO
list.  I recall now that the skip/SKIP thing is what was causing some
CPAN Testers failures for Test::File, so I guess I'l just switch it
over to Test::Tester and that'll solve it, eh?  Hopefully it won't be
too awful, but my recollection is that TBT and TT have _completely_
different approaches when it comes to testing, so it won't be trivial
either.  So I guess I'm torn between saying "yay for progress!" and
"bummer for my already overstuffed schedule." ;->

            -- Buddy

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