On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Andy Lester <a...@petdance.com> wrote:

> On Jun 24, 2016, at 4:41 PM, Buddy Burden <barefootco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>    is_true($val);
>    is_false($val);
> Because with just `ok($val)` you can tell whether it's true or false, but,
> when it inevitably fails, you really want to know what the bad value turned
> out to be.
> I have a bool_eq() so you can do this:
> bool_eq( $want_foos, scalar @foos );
> without having to do
> if ( $want_foos ) {
>     ok( scalar @foos );
> }
> else {
>     is( scalar @foos, 0 );
> }
> We were also writing that as
> is( !!$want_foos, !!(scalar @foos) );
> which works, but obscures the meaning.
> I don’t like the name bool_eq() (“booleans are equal”) but it was the best
> I could come up with.

bool_not_xor_ok() ? :-D

Kidding aside, I would argue that using a conditional is actually the more
readable option in this particular case, though I'd probably compress it
down to:

    ? ok(scalar @foos, 'got some foos')
    :  is(scalar @foos, 0, 'got no foos');

I find that minimizing the logic inside the argument list makes my tests
more readable...

That doesn't negate the need for a bool_eq() though...

How about is_truth($got_bool, $expected_bool) ?

That seems to line up nicely with is_true() and is_false()...


> --
> Andy Lester => www.petdance.com

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