Rick Measham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>That being the case, I grab the charset and use Encode's decode function
>to turn it into 'perl's internal format' .. which in 5.8.5 is utf8

As it happens the answer is "maybe", but it is the _internal_ form it is none 
of your 
business ;-) - so pretend you know nothing about how it all works 
and convert internal form to UTF-8 explicitly.
(But this will be efficent if string is internally in that form :-))

>I then store that in the db.

When you get it back from db you need to convert it from UTF-8 
to perl's internal form. Again this is trivial.

>However it's not working.
>Does that mean that the encoding of the actual characters on the page is
>not in the charset in the meta tag? 

Quite possibly - do you mean the chars in the headers or the body?

>Or am I missing some piece of the
>A random example page would be 
>This page is in German and *says* the charset it ISO-8859-1. However the
>characters with the umlauts are displaying as unknown chars in a page
>tagged as utf8.

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