Hello, Dan!


This is a small reminder:

--- ext/Encode/t/Aliases.t.orig Sat Mar 30 01:05:57 2002
+++ ext/Encode/t/Aliases.t      Thu Apr  4 15:56:21 2002
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
            'arabic'   => 'iso-8859-6',
            'greek'    => 'iso-8859-7',
            'hebrew'   => 'iso-8859-8',
+            'Hebrew'   => 'iso-8859-8',
            'thai'     => 'iso-8859-11',
            'tis620'   => 'iso-8859-11',
            'WinLatin1'     => 'cp1252',
@@ -107,6 +108,9 @@
     define_alias( qr/shift.*jis$/i  => '"MacJapanese"',
                  qr/sjis$/i        => '"cp932"' );
     @a2c{qw(Shift_JIS x-sjis)} = qw(MacJapanese cp932);
+    define_alias( 'hebrew' => 'UTF-8' );
+    @a2c{qw(hebrew Hebrew)} = qw(UTF-8 UTF-8);
 print "# alias test with alias overrides\n";

still fails. There was a letter from me headed
[PATCH] again! (was: Encode alias implementation fixed!)
that had a proposed patch to Aliases.pm

The patch is no longer directly applicable, but
looks like the trouble that it tried to resolve
has not gone yet.

Did I catch your intention correctly? Should this
test that I have added to Aliases.t succeeded?


The aliases are case-insensitive.
The canonical names are not.
(I can see 'koi8-r' works but not 'KOI8-R')

This is not urgent, but is there an intention
to empower 'KOI8-R'?

- Anton

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