David Hiltz wrote:
>   Any plans to make some if not all the stuff you are doing with
>   in the GUI Builder program available as part of Win32::GUI?  Stuff
>         my $R = pack("LLLL", 0, 0, 0, 0);
>         my $rc = $GetUpdateRect->Call($FAKE->{-handle}, $R, 0);
>         print "GetUpdateRect: $rc ";
>         my ($left, $top, $right, $bottom) = unpack("LLLL", $R);
>         print "($left, $top) - ($right, $bottom)\n";
>   I want to continue work on Win32:GUI Builder, but not if this
>   code will become part of Win32::GUI.  Also, I'm not familiar
>   enough with the Win32 API to understand half of it.

have no fear, everything will be integrated.
the above code will be reduced to a single:

    my($left, $top, $right, $bottom) = $FAKE->GetUpdateRect();


# Aldo Calpini
%_ = split undef, join ' ', qw(fahokem
xritajbugne csuctawer jhdtlrnpqloevkshpr
); print map $_{$_}, sort keys %_;

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