I'm working with controlling WinAmp using Win32::GUI, and everything works
great, except for one problem.

If I do the following:

my $amp = Win32::GUI::FindWindow('Winamp v1.x');
my $track_position = Win32::GUI::SendMessage($amp, 0x0400, 0, 105);
my $filename = Win32::GUI::SendMessage($amp, 0x0400, $track_position, 211);

$amp and $track_position initialize correctly (and any other SendMessage()
stuff I've tried based on the winamp docs), but $filename (and the title,
which is 212 instead of 211) returns "4527196".

According to the winamp docs
(http://www.winamp.com/nsdn/plugindev/speaking.jhtml) 211 and 212 return a
pointer to a string that contains the [filename|title].

Is there a way for me to get at that with Win32::GUI, or will I need to use
Win32::API (and if so, does anyone know how to get at it, by chance)?

Thanks for any help you can give...

Ben Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick

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