1. Yes, you can set location with:
  or :
    -pos => [top, left]
    -size => [width, height]

2. You have a grid mamager (Win32::GUI::GridLayout) in Win32::GUI.

see : http://search.cpan.org/src/ACALPINI/Win32-GUI-0.0.558/docs/html/gui.html

Or, you can use GUI Loft.
It's a framework with a WYSIWYG design tool

see : http://www.bahnhof.se/~johanl/perl/Loft/

3. For more documentation

FAQ, HowTo See : http://www.jeb.ca/perl/win32_module.htm
You have some samples in Win32::GUI sources code archive.


----- Original Message ----- 

> I'm just working thru the *guitutx* tutorials that come with the Win32::GUI
> distribution (0.0.502 on W2K with 5.6.1 633)
> 2 questions:
> 1. Are the *top* and *left* options used to determine the location of an
> object (label, button, listbox..) in a Window?
> 2. Is there an ?object? manager (something like TK's geometry mgr), or is
> everyone else just able to do the pixel math in their head(s)? I find myself
> adjusting top/left alot to get things aligned....
> Any pointers to docs are most appreciated...,

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