Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] window position

2003-02-03 Thread markd
GetWindowRect() Returns a four elements array defining the windows rectangle (left, top, right, bottom) or undef on errors.

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] GetOpenFileName Help Request

2002-11-27 Thread markd
use Win32::GUI; my $file = *.txt\0 . x 256; my @files = GUI::GetOpenFileName( -owner = $W, -directory = C:\\, -title = Create ASN File - Specify Output File, -file = $file, -multisel = 1, ); print @files; in 0.0.665 if you use multisel = 1 it will bring up an ugly 3.1 style box. maybe this

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] Win32::GUI and Warnings

2002-11-25 Thread markd
i tried it, it works fine. i'm using activeperl on windows 98 and win32::gui 0.0.665. the only problem i see is if you 'use strict' (which you should) you'd need to change $Win2 = new. to my $Win2 otherwise you'll get an error about a global symbol requiring an explicit package name.

[perl-win32-gui-users] error running tests

2002-11-04 Thread markd
hi. i was having problems running a program under 95b on a clients computer so i perlapped up 01_basic.t and ran it on their computer and it got the following error message. Can't load 'auto/Win32/GUI/GUI.dll' for module Win32::GUI: load_fil e:One of the library files needed to run this

[perl-win32-gui-users] building win32::gui

2002-10-30 Thread markd
another error when building. i've never been able to build win32::gui myself, always had to use the ppm module. i have ms vc++ 6 and when i try and nmake i get this error C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -IC:\Perl\lib -IC:\Perl\lib C: \Perl\lib\ExtUtils/xs ubpp -typemap C:\Perl\lib\ExtUtils\typemap

[perl-win32-gui-users] always on top

2002-10-28 Thread markd
is there any way to make a window 'always on top'? thanx mark

RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] why not work?

2002-08-07 Thread markd
its not an accel table its just a gui::makemenu and theres no reference to the listview in it anywhere. i just thought i'd add this considering we were talking about accelerator tables not working. mark

RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] why not work?

2002-08-07 Thread markd
the same goes for buttons too. if i have a button with -text = Settings, then so long as the listview has focus, when i press alt+s the settings window will pop up. it doesn't work with child windows though. if i have an Close button in the settings window then no matter what has focus, it won't

RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] why not work?

2002-08-07 Thread markd
after some more testing..if i take out the -parent = $Window from the settings window then pressing alt+c (for Close) will work. also the shortcuts will work if anything (apart from the window) has focus. so when the program starts if i put in $ListView-SetFocus() then when i press alt+s the

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] sorting a listview

2002-06-27 Thread markd
thanx for all the replies. i think i'll just stick with what i'm using at the moment and see if i can figure out where its going wrong. on a different note, is it possible to put a copyright symbol in the window title? AND i was just going through the samples and i noticed in that the menu

[perl-win32-gui-users] fonts and colors

2002-05-28 Thread markd
hi. i have a window with 3 tab strips on it, 1 for incoming ftp, 1 for outgoing and the other i don't use yet. both incoming and outgoing ftp and be stopped. what i'd like to do is that when someone stops incoming or outgoing ftp the tabstrip text changes to red, or something. i've tried using

[perl-win32-gui-users] system tray, notifyicon and stuff

2002-05-27 Thread markd
hi. i've added a notify icon to sit in the system tray when a window is minimised. what i'd like to try and do is make the whatever-it-is-you-call-it disappear from the task bar. i figured it would probably have something to do with window styles, if anything, but i can't find anything about it in

[perl-win32-gui-users] keystrokes

2002-05-16 Thread markd
hi. is there any way of associating a keystroke with something, like alt+s to bring up a settings window?

[perl-win32-gui-users] scrollbars

2002-05-13 Thread markd
hi. i have a listview with 2 columns that i'd really like to be relatively hidden cos it contains data that the user doesn't need to see. considering there doesn't seem to be a away to turn resizing the columns off, is there a way of stopping the vertical scrollbar. it comes up automatically but i

[perl-win32-gui-users] listview columns

2002-05-07 Thread markd
hi. is there any way to stop a column from being resized? or alternatively is there something like a column_resize event or something like that? thanx in advance

RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Dc to the printer

2002-04-29 Thread markd
postscript?.maybe? Guillem Cunillera To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Dc to the printer

2002-04-28 Thread markd
theres a win32::printers module? Guillem Cunillera Wefers [EMAIL

[perl-win32-gui-users] listview columns

2002-04-23 Thread markd
is there any way to make a listview column so it can't be resized? thanx

RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] status bar

2002-04-22 Thread markd
i don't think thats what i'm trying to do. i'll explain. i have a window that 800x574 (cuts off just above the taskbar). i've disabled the maximise button and the window isn't resizable. i decided to put a status bar down the bottom cos otherwise it just looked really ugly but i can resize the

[perl-win32-gui-users] listview checkboxes

2002-04-22 Thread markd
is there any way of changin the state of a checkbox in a listview without actually clicking the checkbox. at the moment i'm currently looking at something like my($item) = @_; my %info = $ListView-ItemInfo($item, 4); $state = $info{-text}; print $state, \n; if ($state = X) {

[perl-win32-gui-users] status bar

2002-04-21 Thread markd
is there any way to stop a status bar from being able to be resized? thanx

[perl-win32-gui-users] popup window

2002-04-10 Thread markd
hi. is there any way of stopping a second window from creating an instance of itself in the taskbar? thanx

[perl-win32-gui-users] terminating popup window

2002-04-10 Thread markd
hi. i've got a weird problem with my popup window. if i close it by clicking on the x the window closes fine but if i click on the button to open it again, it won't open. however if i click on save and exit in the popup window, when i click on the button the open the window again it works fine.

[perl-win32-gui-users] textfields and combobox's

2002-04-08 Thread markd
hi. how can get the value of whatevers in a textfield? and is there a way to insert an entry into a combobox so it will display it in the first line. i'm opening up a settings window and it reads the previously saved settings from a file, one of which is their dun connection and i'd like that to

Re: [perl-win32-gui-users] problems with combobox

2002-04-07 Thread markd
and (i think this is the last one) is it possible to make the widgets sticky like in tk? dunno what it means... sticky mainly refers to which sides the widgets should stick to when resized. so if i have a listview which is -sticky = 'ew' then when it gets resized it should stretch to fit

RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] sticky widgets (was: problems with com bobox)

2002-04-07 Thread markd
i've taken a look at the gui loft but i could never figure how to view the widget properties..

[perl-win32-gui-users] listview sorting and stuff

2002-04-04 Thread markd
hi i need lots of help. i'm fairly new to perl and i only compiled win32::gui yesterday. i have a listview that i'd like to sort. i've tried things like my($stuff) = @_; sort $a = $b, $stuff; and variations on that theme but nothing seems to work at all. also, is it possible to change the colour

[perl-win32-gui-users] problems with combobox

2002-04-04 Thread markd
hi. ive' got a combox in a settings window that displays dun entries. i've done it like this sub Settings_Click { settings } sub settings { $Window2 = new GUI::Window( -name = Window2, -text = Settings, -width = 250,

[perl-win32-gui-users] lpt1

2002-03-10 Thread markd
hi. i'm compiling win32::gui 0.0.665 on win98se using dmake, perl and vc++ 6, and when it gets to the point of linking everything its starts printing the whole link command over and over again. any1 encountered this at all? thanx in advance