Forgot the example - I need a coffee:)

use Win32::GUI;
use strict;
#create a dummy menu
my $Menu = new Win32::GUI::Menu(
    "&File" => "File",
    "   >   &New",
    "   >   &Open",
    "   >   &Save",
    "   >   Save &As",
    "   >   &Close",


#create the main window
my $mainwindow = new GUI::Window(
    -title    => "Win32::GUI::Rebar test",
    -left     => 100,
    -top      => 100,
    -width    => 600,
    -height   => 200,
    -name     => "Window",
    -menu   => $Menu,
    -onTerminate => sub { return -1 },

#create a child window for band 2 of the rebar control, this band will contain 
two dropdowns
my $band2 = new Win32::GUI::Window (
    -parent    => $mainwindow,
    -name      => "RebarBand2",
    -popstyle  => WS_CAPTION | WS_SIZEBOX,
    -pushstyle => WS_CHILD,

#create the first drop down
my $dd1 = $band2->AddCombobox( 
    -name      => "Dropdown",
    -pos       => [0, 0],
    -size      => [100, 80],
    -addstyle  =>  3 | 2097152  | 1048576,
    -tip       => 'Some items',   

$dd1->Add('Item 1','Item 2','Item 3','Item4');

#create the second drop down
my $dd2 = $band2->AddCombobox( 
    -name   => "Dropdown2",
    -pos    => [105, 0],
    -size   => [100, 80],
    -addstyle  =>  3 | 2097152  | 1048576,
    -tip       => 'Some colours', 


#create a child window for band 3 of the rebar control
my $band3 = new Win32::GUI::Window (
    -parent   => $mainwindow,
    -name     => "RebarBand3",
    -popstyle => WS_CAPTION | WS_SIZEBOX,
    -pushstyle => WS_CHILD,

# create Date time control for band 3
my $DateTime = $band3->AddDateTime (
    -name     => "DateTime",
    -pos      => [0, 0],
    -size     => [130, 20],
    -tip      => 'A date and time',
#set the format for the datetime control
$DateTime->Format('dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss');

#Add a button to band 3
$band3->AddButton (
         -name     => 'Button',
         -pos      => [135, 0],
         -size     => [50, 20],
         -text     => 'Button',
         -tip      => 'A Button',
         -onClick => sub {print 'button clicked' },

#Add a button to band 3
$band3->AddButton (
         -name     => 'Button1',
         -pos      => [195, 0],
         -size     => [50, 20],
         -text     => 'Button1',
         -tip      => 'A Button',
         -onClick => sub {print 'button1 clicked' },

#create a rebar control
my $rebar = $mainwindow->AddRebar(
    -name   => "Rebar",
    -bandborders => 1,

#Insert band 1
$rebar->InsertBand (-text => 'One' ,);
#Insert band 2
$rebar->InsertBand (  
  -child     => $band2,
  -width     => 210,
  -minwidth  => 210,
  -minheight => 20,
#Insert band 3
$rebar->InsertBand (
  -child     => $band3,
  -width     => 250,
  -minwidth  => 250,
  -minheight => 20,

#show the main window


sub Rebar_HeightChange {
  #event not working?
  print 'Rebar_HeightChange';

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