-----Original Message-----
> Hello,
> I'm using Win32::OLE to work with IE. I've looked through the docs at MSDN
and the archives here, but I didn't find my answer so I don't know if these
requests are possible or not.
> 1) I'd like to disable "view source" via right click (w/o resorting to the
JavaScript trick). I've disabled the toolbars and menus however.
> 2) Can I disable text selection (that is, left click and drag)?
> 3) Instead of using Navigate to get a URL or file, can I use HTML that's
stored in a scalar in my source code? Can you set the Document to an html
> Thanks

"The IPersistStreamInit interface, and its associated methods, can be used
to load a HTML content from a stream using the WebBrowser control...", from
MSDN, Topic "Loading HTML content from a Stream".

I'm not sure how this translates to perl, I don't have any experience using
COM from perl.

Also, in regards to (1) and (2), these should be possible if you subclass
the webbrowser control. IIRC, some of these questions were answered in past
issues of MSDN Mag. which is available at http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag.
I believe they appeared in the "C++ Q & A" column, but not sure.


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