i cant figure out what im doing wrong here.
i ran wireshark to monitor a small http client/server query/response.
point of exercise is to see exactly what an ajax response looks like (as im
trying to learn ajax).

unfortunately, the ajax response is sent from server in 'gzip' format (not
plain text).

so wireshark shows two standard http headers and at the end of the stream
is the binary 'gzipped' small stream.

ive saved this wireshark tcp 'stream' to a file.  viewing the file in hex
mode, i see clearly the first three binary bytes of the gzipped stream are
hex1F hex8B hex08

what i need to do next is save just the binary gzipped stream to a stand
alone file, then see if i can un-gzip it to read the plain text contents.

in theory, a straight forward task.

i write a quick few line perl script, whereby i open the saved wireshark
tcp stream file, set this input file to binary mode (so as to not change
any internal binary byte values), undefine the input line seperator (to
upserp the entire file into memory when read), read the file to upserp its
contents into a var, do a simple pattern match of \x1F\x8B\x08, then save
the matched pattern $& and what follows the match $' to a new file...
(right now the script doesnt actually yet output to a file, it just dumps
to screen)

for reasons that elude me, the pattern match fails.

i know the 3 bytes are in the file, yet the pattern match to those 3 bytes

any ideas?

heres the small script.

open(IN, $ARGV[0]) || die "cant open input file";

undef $/;

my $data = <IN>;

if ($data =~ /\x1F\x8B\x08/) {
  print "matched: " . $& . $';
} else {
  print "no match\n";

the contents of the wireshark stream is as follows...

POST /ajax/demo_post.asp HTTP/1.1
Host: www.w3schools.com
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/32.0.1700.107 Safari/537.36
Origin: http://www.w3schools.com
Accept: */*
Referer: http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/tryajax_post.htm
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private,public
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Encoding: gzip
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 21:03:48 GMT
Content-Length: 201


note; the binary data at end is obviously not easily discerned here in
ascii mode.  when i open this same file in a binary editor the actual
binary contents (displayed in hex) is as follows... (ive inserted an extra
space to make the hex values be easily discerned).

1f 8b 08 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 ed bd 07 60 1c 49 96 25 26 2f 6d ca 7b 7f 4a
f5 4a d7 e0 74 a1 08 80 60 13 24 d8 90 40 10 ec c1 88 cd e6 92 ec 1d 69 47
23 29 ab 2a 81 ca 65 56 65 5d 66 16 40 cc ed 9d bc f7 de 7b ef bd f7 de 7b
ef bd f7 ba 3b 9d 4e 27 f7 df ff 3f 5c 66 64 01 6c f6 ce 4a da c9 9e 21 80
aa c8 1f 3f 7e 7c 1f 3f 22 1e af 8e de cc 8b 26 9d 56 cb 36 5f b6 e9 55 d6
a4 75 fe 8b d6 79 d3 e6 b3 74 dd 14 cb 8b b4 9d e7 e9 cb 2f 5f bf 49 17 79
3b af 66 e3 c7 77 57 47 bf 71 42 6f be b2 0d b3 f6 51 ba 77 77 77 ff ee de
ce ee 7e ba ff 68 e7 de a3 fd 87 e9 cb 2f d0 f4 ff 01 a8 9f 68 15 63 00 00
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