
Im porting some data recorders from UNIX/LInux to Win32 platform:

Basically Im trying to replicate something like this in Win32, and I
have no idea how I can do that:

use Time::HiRes qw(time alarm setitimer ITIMER_REAL);
use POSIX qw(pause);

# how often do we trigger (seconds)?
my $first_interval = $interval;

# signal handler is empty
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { };

# first value is the initial wait, second is the wait thereafter
setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, $first_interval, $interval );

while (1) {

    ### perform work here

    ### Check for end
    last if ++$loop == $loop_max;

    ### Interval


This implementation allows me to sleep an exact number of seconds on
Linux or UNIX. I have tried Win32::Sleep on Windows but I end up
sleeping more than that. So questions:

1. How one can sleep 60secs no matter what for Win32 platforms ?

2. Is there anything like interval timers and signals for Win32 ? And
how we could do such things in Win32 ?

Many thanks,

Stefan Parvu <spa...@kronometrix.org>
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