Title: Message
I don't know if this is the correct group for this, as I rarely post anything, if not, I'm sure someone will be kind enough to mention it.
Issue 1
I have a situation where two processes have to be created from the same script.  I'm using Win32::Process::Create to do this.  The first app, (The Helper) app launches fine.  $Process->GetProcessID reports the proper PID.  What I find is on the creation of the second app (The User App) the whole thing breaks down.
$Process->GetProcessID reports some off the wall PID and $Process->Wait(INFINITE) failes.  In fact, the PID is reports is a PID from 4 or 5 tests earlier.  If I split this script up and run each seperately, everything works fine, so it's something to do with Win32::Process::Create having issues with itself.  Is there a memory buffer issue here or what?
Issue 2
Same Extension, I've noticed once the $Process is created, it's static, so even if the process is dead and the script is still running, $Process->GetProcessID reports the PID as if the process is still running.  Becaus of this, I've had to go to WMI for Dynamic Enumeration.
If Issue 1 can't be resolved, I will have to move to WMI too.  Not much of a reason to stay with PERL.
If it matters, I'm using Perl Build 630 on a Win2k Server w/ SP2 platform.
Thanks in advance.

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