Please forgive me if this is a rather stupid question, however I am new to Perl and Activestate perl on win32.

My problem is as follows:

No matter what program I run (be it mine or a downloaded app) I always seem to run into the exact same error (Useing IIS6)
"The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers."
I have followed installation instructions to the tee as well as searched and followed guids. Even the example perl applications from the Default install do not function correctly. I have tried on diffrent installs of Windows 2003, and Windows XP Pro, they yeilded the same results.
This must be a simple matter to fix, because it is numorus and I have yet to find any documentation explaining a fix for it.

For problem information I have:

Windows Server 2003 Standard SP1
Perl, v5.8.7 for MSwin32-x86-multi-thread [build 815]
Running on IIS 6.0

Thank you for your time and help.

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