Re: Splitting on '\'

2004-05-25 Thread Rob Dixon
Dax T. Games wrote: I tried searching the archives but for some reason I can't get there today. $String = \Test1; or $String = \test1\test2\test3; When I try: @Array = split(\\,$String); I get: Trailing \ in regex m/\/ at [Script] line [Line] Why? How do I split a

Re: Splitting on '\'

2004-05-25 Thread Rob Dixon
Joseph Discenza wrote: Dax T. Games wrote, on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:18 AM : When I try: : : @Array = split(\\,$String); : : I get: : : Trailing \ in regex m/\/ at [Script] line [Line] : : Why? How do I split a string on \ without converting to / then : splitting?

Re: Struggling with perl

2004-05-20 Thread Rob Dixon
John Moon wrote: I'm not sure what you are trying to do with snip @filelist = grep (!/^[.c]/, (grep $dir/$_, readdir(SQLDIR))); /snip but if you are trying to pretend the $dir onto the filename it is not working. Try : snip @filelist = map {$dir/$_} grep !/^[.c]/, readdir SQLDIR;

Re: Convert string Lenght to 3 Hex Values

2004-05-20 Thread Rob Dixon
Juan Carlos Cruz Dada wrote: Thanks Rob, I think this will do it. David, I can't give you a real example as I'm in the process of developing a new protocol, keeping with the post yo answered me on 10/03/2004. I do want the lenght, not the string. when I have the working protocol, I'll

Re: undef example

2004-05-07 Thread Rob Dixon
Hi Dave. See my answer in-line below. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: This may be a lame question and I understand what it's doing, but I would like to know if it is possible to undefine a global EXPR if it's passed into a subroutine? Code here reduced to the basics. After the return from

Re: To search for a particular file in root drive

2004-05-03 Thread Rob Dixon
Alok Mahajan wrote: This is my first mail to this group, though i'm just a beginner for PERL. My problem is that i want to search for a particular file by using FILE::Find from the C drive only for a list of client m/c which are running on Windows2000. But this program searches whole of the

Re: To search for a particular file in root drive

2004-05-03 Thread Rob Dixon
Mahajan Alok wrote: Thanks a lot for your valuable suggestions.But still the problem is there. If i use: # if (-d) { $File::Find::prune = 1; } ## IT is simply coming out of the sub routine after this statement and

Re: help needed

2004-04-06 Thread Rob Dixon
Divyesh R. Patel wrote: Hi, i am a student at collage who has never used Perl before. I need to crate an program that looks through a text file, find the data need and put it in an graph. I have no idea how to go about this . can any one out there help me with this. your help will be much

Re: TTF Font Program

2004-04-04 Thread Rob Dixon
Valerie Kramer wrote: I have a number of programs that will display the characters in my fonts (like Windows Character Map) or even those in fonts that are not installed (for example, The Font Thing) Some allow me to enter a sample string to be displayed in each font. All of this is good

Re: Need help pruning data..

2004-03-24 Thread Rob Dixon
Matt Bazan wrote: Peter Guzis wrote: Benchmark: timing 1 iterations of use_grep_block, use_map_split, use_regex, use_rindex, use_split... use_grep_block: 8 wallclock secs ( 7.96 usr + 0.00 sys = 7.96 CPU) @ 1256.12/s (n=1) use_map_split: 10 wallclock secs ( 9.94 usr +

Re: 16b hex conversion

2004-03-03 Thread Rob Dixon
Ed Chester wrote: sub d2h16 { sprintf %04.4X, shift; } I don't believe it. That's amazing. That's not off-beam, that's nail on the head. Is there a way of returning that as a value instead of printing it? ed, not worthy. Quite as worthy as I! But be careful with your boundary

Re: theperlreview

2004-02-12 Thread Rob Dixon
John Ramsden wrote: Rob Dixon wrote: Hirosi Taguti wrote: I returned from my short war to fight with developping a system using perl, MQ, SQL, XML :) theperlreview is my favorite site, hoping to be up. Thanks again. MQ?

Re: Can anyone spot the problem with this script?

2004-01-04 Thread Rob Dixon
Gary Nielson wrote: I have written a stock program that imports data from files, takes the ticker and other data, goes out to Yahoo to get various data using HTML::TableExtract, and then analyzes that data. My problem: I know the various parts work, but the program keeps returning the same

Re: Regex question: Vertical pipe in square brackets

2004-01-02 Thread Rob Dixon
Mark Thomas wrote: (i|1|l|\|) to kill the vertical pipe, but I find that much harder to read and more difficult to extend later on. For the letter-substitution matches, why not create mini-re for each one? $a = qr/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/; $i = qr/[i1l\|]/; $str = v|agr@; if ($str =~

Re: regex questions

2003-12-30 Thread Rob Dixon
Wenjie Wang wrote: I managed to sort out following regex issues, but I'd like to deal with them in an elegant fashion:-) Suggestions? 1) extract one, two or more words in a line. The word/phases is separated by more then one white spaces. eg.

Re: reg exp help please

2003-12-07 Thread Rob Dixon
lorid wrote: Here is the string Im trying to split (its a cookie str) MadHatter Data: a:7:{i:0;s:19:\MadhatterSize=Adult\;i:1;s:20:\MadHatterColors=blue\;i:2;s:15:\MadHatter_Qty=1\;i:3;s:26:\product_name=Madhatt er_Hat\;i:4;s:8:\cd_num=2\;i:5;s:4:\x=39\;i:6;s:4:\y=12\;} the data I want is

Re: passing parms to subroutine

2003-10-29 Thread Rob Dixon
Lori wrote: Im used to subs in C or VB but this has me puzzled... I am trying to pass a scalar ref to a subroutine, When I try to use the value of the passed parm inside the sub Im getting a garbage value (has address instead of value? ) from my process_files sub,and the increment sub, but

Re: counting characters in a text file

2003-10-12 Thread Rob Dixon
Ron van Erven wrote: Can anyone help me in writing a perl script that read a text file, reads and counts the characters (for example 30 w's; 4 x's and 30 spaces and 50 CR) and displays these amounts in an diagram. (vertical axis the amounts and horizontal a-z;0-9;special characters, whereby