Hello people!
I need some help on threads. I did an array @cle. Foreach entries of @cle, i create a thread like this :

*for($i=0;$i<@lacle;$i++) #we create one thread by key
{ $thread[$i] = threads->new(\&WaitRegEvent,$i,$lacle[$i]); }

*So i did fantastic stuff in WaitRegEvent.
What i wanted to do is to re create a terminated thread but i don't know how to control this in one line, i think it can look like this :

_* my ($n_thread,$keyname) = @thread->join; *_
*$thread[$n_thread] = threads->new(\&WaitRegEvent,$n_thread,$keyname);*

or like this : _* my ($n_thread,$keyname) = $thread[0]->join || **$thread[1]->join*_*_ || ........_
*But the @thread size is not fixed!

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