Title: Message
For some reason, my script (below) isn't dying appropriately (instead, it's just hanging and not returning to the prompt).  I changed server/database/etc.  The script had formerly also printed out the die message (before I put in the finish and disconnect statements), but still just gave me a blinking cursor (without a prompt) at the end.  For anyone testing, obviously you can't get to my database, but the spreadsheet is public on the internet.  Any help appreciated. . .
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Mail::Sender;
use DBI;
use Spreadsheet::BasicRead;

($user, $pwd, $email) = @ARGV;
$date = time();
($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year) = localtime $date;
$curryear = $year + 1900;
$xmon = sprintf ("%02d", $mon+1);
$day = sprintf ("%02d", $day);
$year =~ /\d\d(\d\d)/;
$truncyear = $1;
$name = "C:/sp500-".$xmon.$day.$truncyear.".xls";
$spread = new Spreadsheet::BasicRead($name) || die "Error:  $!";
print "Opened Spread...\n";
while ($data = "">   last if ($$data[0] eq "ACTUALS");
   next if !($$data[0] =~ m,/\d+/,);
   $$data[0] =~ m,/\d{2}/(\d{4}),;
   $year = $1;
   push @ests, $$data[2];
   push @dates, $$data[0];
  @fwd_four = (reverse @ests)[0..3];
  @fwd_four_dates = (reverse @dates)[0..3];
  $printests = join "\t", @fwd_four;
  $printdates = join "\t", @fwd_four_dates;
  print $printdates."\n".$printests;
  for (@fwd_four){$sum+=$_;}
  print "\nSNP\t".$sum."\n";
$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Oracle:host=oracleserver;sid=serviceid',
                          { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 }
$getsnp = $dbh->prepare("Select COLUMN from TABLE where YEAR_COLUMN = ?");
 $getsnp->execute($curryear + 1);
 @row = $getsnp->fetchrow_array;
 ($snp_eps)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
 print "DB\t".$snp_eps."\n";
 if($snp_eps != $sum){
   $result = "dvalues\nDB:\t$snp_eps \nWEB:\t$sum\t$printdates\n$printests\t";
   $result = "svalues \nDB:\t$snp_eps \nWEB:\t$sum\t$printdates\n$printests";
print $result;
 $sender = new Mail::Sender
  {smtp => 'mail.mailserver.com', from =>
$sender->MailMsg({to => $email,
  subject => "S&P Estimates",
  msg => $result});
 die "silly program doesn't know it's over";
sub GetSNPfile{
($get) = @_;
print "Getting SNP file from web. . . \n";
$snp = getstore("http://www2.standardandpoors.com/spf/xls/index/SP500EPSEST.XLS", $get);
print "Done getting file. . . \n";
C:\log>snp500eps dbuser dbpwd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Getting SNP file from web. . .
Done getting file. . .
Opened Spread...
09/30/2004 (91% actual) 12/31/2004      03/31/2005      06/30/2005
16.68   17.23   17.24   18.35
SNP     69.5
DB      69.5
DB:     69.5
WEB:    69.5    09/30/2004 (91% actual) 12/31/2004      03/31/2005      06/30/20
16.68   17.23   17.24   18.35_
and then blinks the cursor at the end of "18.35" until I Ctrl-C it.


Sam Gardner
GTO Application Development
Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc.
787 7th Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
(212) 887-6753

"For thousands more years the mighty ships tore across the empty wastes of space and finally dived screaming on to the first planet they came across - which happened to be the Earth - where due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog." - HHG

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