> It occurs because the only kind of variable allowed for specifying the
> filehandle is a scalar--no array or hash elements. There are (or course)
> several solutions. One is actually documented in the entry for print in
> perlfunc:
> print({$Self->{FH}} "$TimeStamp$LogMsg\n");
> Another possibility is documented in FileHandle's documentation:
> $Self->{FH}->print("$TimeStamp$LogMsg\n");
> -- 
> Eric Amick
> Columbia, MD

I'd like to thank Eric for his first suggestion, which I arrived at shortly
after posting the question. One thing I find curious about the way the
filehandle has to be specified for the print function is that the special
notation using {} around the filehandle reference for the print function is
not required for the open and close functions. For example:

    die("Unable to open $LogFile $!, stopped") unless

    die("Close failed for filehandle $Self->{FH}")

This may or may not be a moot point concerning the future evolution of Perl,
but I still find it curious that the filehandle references cannot be
specified in the same format for the print and open or close functions.

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