Hello everybody,

I work on a Windows computer with ActivePerl installed.
I often use a 3278 emulator that permits me to have a 3278 terminal in a
window, connected to an IBM OS/390 host.

I would like to write a script that could automatically send commands to the
IBM host.

My idee is to use the same way than the emulator to do this : I want to talk
to the host through its telnet 3270 interface.

I already succeed to establish telnet session (using PERL Socket module and
RFC 2355). I negotiate TN3270E options (I get a IBM-3278-3-E terminal type)
and then I get the first screen : this is EBCDIC characters formated with
3278 headers and separators.

My aim is not to display screens but to send commands and extract ASCII DATA
from responses.

I have seen on the cpan site that few modules already exist to help me
converting EBCDIC to ASCII but I did not find any module to extract EBCDIC
data from 3278-formated data flow.

Do anyone know a module that could permit me to read or write 3278 data ?

I also searched IETF web site but found nothing.

Excuse me for language mistakes.
Thanks for help...

Fabien Coutellier

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