Craig S Monroe wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am a newbie to the list and have a question. I have searched for an answer
> through the
> docs, but cannot seem to locate a resolution.
> I have written a script that opens a socket to a particular device,
> and issues it commands.  I would then like it to write the results to a
> file, wait, then issue the
> commands again and append the results to the same file.
> My issue:
> I am having difiiculty writing the output to a file.
> The file is created, but nothing is written and the script hangs.
> It worked previously, when I had the script close the socket, then write the
> results, but I need to keep it open.
> I have really hacked up the script(indecision on items) so please look past
> the rubble. It will be cleaned up when it is done.
> I have enclosed the portion of the script. The part I am having difficulty
> with
> is toward the end when printing to DATAFILE.


>  open(DATAFILE,">>$dataFile")||
>   die "cannot append to $dataFile : $!";

You could unbuffer the output to the file here (the below maintains 
STDOUT as the selected FH):
        select ((select (DATAFILE), $| = 1)[0]);


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