When searching Active Directory for the objectGUID attribute using ADO, I can 
convert the returned GUID to a string value with the following:
$stringGUID = unpack("H*", $binaryGUID);
This yields a string like this: b63e4661ea6fc545a88e103e54b8dc41, the same as 
that given when binding to an object with ADSI and requesting the 
$object->{objectGUID} property.
I'm stuck trying to convert these string representations back to the 
appropriate binary representation to feed into an LDAP search filter. I assume 
there's a corresponding pack statement but am not sure what it might be. Any 

[Bullock, Howard A.] 
The Lanman.pm has these subroutine included that work well.

sub GuidToString
        return sprintf "%08X-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X",
                unpack("I", $_[0]),
                unpack("S", substr($_[0], 4, 2)),
                unpack("S", substr($_[0], 6, 2)),
                unpack("C", substr($_[0], 8, 1)),
                unpack("C", substr($_[0], 9, 1)),
                unpack("C", substr($_[0], 10, 1)),
                unpack("C", substr($_[0], 11, 1)),
                unpack("C", substr($_[0], 12, 1)),
                unpack("C", substr($_[0], 13, 1)),
                unpack("C", substr($_[0], 14, 1)),
                unpack("C", substr($_[0], 15, 1));

sub StringToGuid
        return undef
                unless $_[0] =~ 

        return pack("I", hex $1) . pack("S", hex $2) . pack("S", hex $3) . 
pack("C", hex $4) . pack("C", hex $5) .
               pack("C", hex $6) . pack("C", hex $7) . pack("C", hex $8) . 
pack("C", hex $9) . pack("C", hex $10) . pack("C", hex $11);

        print "$1\n$2\n$3\n$4\n$5\n$6\n$7\n$8\n$9\n$10\n$11\n";

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