
> I have a very longtimerunning script, that is running on my 
> Win2000Professional on the IIS5.0. After some time, I get a timeout and 
> the script is aborted. How do I increase the time this script is allowed 
> to run?

My suggestion would be to keep your web server doing something while you're
processing. A few times, I have had to do something like that. What I did is
to turn off Output Buffering ($| = 1;), and then start up a thread that will
print "Processing..." and then print a "." every 5 seconds or something.
Then you do your real work in the master thread, and kill the other thread
once you're done. That has 2 benefits: A) it lets your user know something
is still going on, and B) since the web server (IIS in your case) has
something to send to the client, it will not timeout.

Anyways, this is just a suggestion, and might be a bit hard, but if you want
to try it, I suggest you read up on ithreads and web page refresh
techniques. Bugzilla uses this technique when querying bug reports (the
query can take a long time), so you might want to look at their code too

Good luck,

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