Unclear in that are you saying? Is a__ where _ is a space is valid or can three spaces be valid? So are you working with only alpha and spaces or alpha, numbers and spaces?
Wags ;)
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of amit hetawal
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:09
To: $Bill Luebkert
Cc: perl-win32-users@listserv.ActiveState.com
Subject: Re: Re: Tri-grams?

On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 $Bill Luebkert wrote :
>amit hetawal wrote:
> >
> > Hello All,
> >  I needed some logic behind the code for text analysis. its like i have
> > to calculate the frequency of the each of the tri-grams present in a
> > given piece of text
> > i.e i need a way to get the number of occurence of 't' follwoed by 'he'
> > for the word 'the' in whole of the text.
> >
> > for text : ' hello how are you '
> > i need to get occurences of 'h' follwed by 'el' then 'e' follwed by 'll'...
> > and so on for each of the words present if a space is present then it is
> > considered as a type of character only...
> > Can you please help me with this...
> > I was able to do it for bigrams where i had only 2 characters and used 2
> > d arrays...but for 3 charcters i am still lost...
> > Can anybody help me with this...
>I would just make a hash and walk the string char by char using substr.
>You could make it more generic if 3 isn't the only ossible length - I
>just checked each char to make sure it wasn't a space rather than adding
>a second length loop.
>use strict;
>use warnings;
>use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent=1; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
>$_ = ' hello how are you hello ';
>my %hash;
>my $len = length $_;
>for (my $ii = 0; $ii < $len; ++$ii) {
>      my $char = substr $_, $ii, 1;
>      next if $char eq ' ';
>      my $char2 = substr $_, $ii+1, 1;
>      next if $char2 eq ' ';
>      my $char3 = substr $_, $ii+2, 1;
>      next if $char3 eq ' ';
>      ++$hash{$char.$char2.$char3};
>print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%hash], [qw(\%hash)]);
>$\%hash = {
>  'are' => 1,
>  'ell' => 2,
>  'hel' => 2,
>  'how' => 1,
>  'llo' => 2,
>  'you' => 1

Hello Bill
Thanks for your help...
i got the initial part running but now i have so read the text from a large text file havin all the sentences and special characters and in that i have to get the trigrams working and not only for the above text ...can you please suggest how should i format the file and access the hash values which i store for all of the whole text ...
a tri gram with 'ab_' will also work since i have to consider the space as a character ...too..
please help :(

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