[] On Behalf Of
Daniel Burgaud
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 12:11 AM
To: Perl-Win32-Users
Subject: TK Listbox problem; need help


> Hi,

> Below is the script I have. 

> 1. Listbox is suppose to have 0-99 lines. working

> 2. when user clicks on a line, it will highlight the line. working

> 3. when user clicks on a particular line, script will display the value of
that line to STDout. not working.

> What happens is, it prints the value of the previous click!!!

> Why? What is wrong?


> Dan.




> use strict;

> use Tk;

> require Tk::BrowseEntry;

> require Tk::ROText;


> my $mw = MainWindow->new( -bg=> "#404040", -borderwidth=> 0);

> $mw->minsize( 100, 200 );



> my $LB = $mw->Scrolled(

>         "Listbox",

>         -bg        => "#C0C0C0",

>         -fg        => '#000000',

>         -relief        => 'raised',

>         -scrollbars    => 'e',

>         -cursor        =>  'top_left_arrow',

>     )->pack( -side => 'top', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both', );

> $LB->bind('<Button-1>', sub { DoThis( $LB->get('active') ); } );


> for (my $x=0; $x<100; $x++) {

>     $LB->insert('end',$x);

> }


> sub DoThis {

>     my $this = shift;

>     print $this,"\n";

> }


> MainLoop;



It appears that the button callback is called before the 'active' member has
been updated. You would be better off using something like:


$LB->bind('<Button-1>', sub { DoThis( $LB->get($LB->curselection())); } );


HTH, Ken

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