[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote, on Thursday, March 29, 2001 12:12
: $bbrec =
: .sprintf("%05.02f\%|",$bbarray{key}[0]).sprintf("$05.02f\%|",$bba
: rray{key}[1
: ]);

Here $bbarray{key} tells me that bbarray is actually a hash, %bbarray.

: The original data was in array called theList so I copy the array from
: theList to bbarray by the following command @bbarray = @theList;foreach
: (@bbarray)   {
: Local $/='%';chomp();
:                                                                        }

And here bbarray is clearly an array. Looks like you've got some
straightening out to do.


          Joseph P. Discenza, Sr. Programmer/Analyst
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