Hi all,

Does anyone know if it is possible for a thread to create its own child threads? All the threads that are created seem to be tied to the main thread, regardless of the thread they were created from.

I've tried:

But it's no go either. Complete test code is attached.

Any confirmation on this is appreciated. Thanks.
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;


my %command : shared = (1=>'',2=>'');

my $thread = threads->create(\&startThread,1);
my $thread2 = threads->create(\&startThread,2);

while (1)
        print "pinging threads\n";
                lock %command;
                $command{1} = 'PING';
                $command{2} = 'PING';
        sleep 5;
        lock %command;
        foreach my $id (1..2)
                if ($command{$id} eq 'PING')
                        print "thread $id looks dead\n";
                        print "thread $id looks alive\n";
        sleep 5;


sub startThread
        my $id = shift;

        print "Thread $id: started\n";
        while (1) 
                die "$id is dead\n" if (int(rand(20)) == 1);
                print "$id do stuff\n";

sub pingThread
        my $id = shift;
        while (1)
                        lock %command;
                        if ($command{$id} eq 'PING')
                                $command{$id} = 'PONG';
                                print "$id: I've been pinged!\n";
                sleep (1);
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