Does anyone have an example of a perl script acting on MS Word 
documents using Win32::OLE and Selection.Find.Execute?  I have read the 
Win32 man page but its examples for Excel and Access don't help.  I 
found a Powershell script that does what I want but can't translate.   
The parts I'm confused on are (1) setting the parameters used in the 
Selection.Find.Execute() invocation (particularly the boolean values, 
since perl doesn't do booleans) and the actual invocation of 

I did find an example using $search-> Execute() but this doesn't appear 
to allow setting all the parameters that Selection.Find.Execute() does.  
Also, it operates on $doc-> Content->Find while Selection.Find.Execute() 
operates on $doc->Selection (if I'm right).  And I'm using Homekey(6) to 
take me to the top of the document, which is linked to Selection and 
doesn't seem to work in my $doc->Content->Find attempts.

Any help or direction to documentation much appreciated.

Thanks - Toolsmith

# ExpandAcronyms.ps1
# read acronym list, expand acronyms in target MS Word document
# syntax: ExpandAcronyms wordDocument

function make-change {
     $FindText = $args[0]
     $FullText = $args[1]
     $ReplaceText = "$FullText ($FindText)"

     $ReplaceAll = 1
     $FindContinue = 1
     $MatchCase = $True
     $MatchWholeWord = $True
     $MatchWildcards = $False
     $MatchSoundsLike = $False
     $MatchAllWordForms = $False
     $Forward = $True
     $Wrap = $FindContinue        # don't want it wrapping, wish I knew 
what this meant
     $Format = $False

     $objWord.Selection.HomeKey(6) > Null
     $result = $objSelection.Find.Execute($FindText,$MatchCase,
      if ( $result -eq $true ) {


if ( $args.count -lt 1 ) {
     cd $env:temp
     $strWordFile = [string](resolve-path(Read-Host "Enter Path of Word 
file to be processed"))
} else {
     $strWordFile = [string](resolve-path($args[0]))

$objWord = New-Object -ComObject word.application
$objWord.Visible = $True
$objDoc = $objWord.Documents.Open($strWordFile)

$objSelection = $objWord.Selection

$d = get-content "d:/temp/acronyms.txt"        # read file of acronym | 
foreach ( $l in $d ) {
     ($acro, $def) = $l.split('|')                        # build array 
of acronym, definition
     make-change $acro $def
$objWord.Selection.HomeKey(6) > Null
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