As always, Jenda, you absolutely ROCK! This is great!
About a year ago I started to add code to the extension so that you could
register callback routines for each event (pause, stop, continue,
interrogate, etc) so that you could let the extension perform the looping
and all your code would have to do is expose callback functions for only
those events you are interested in. I simply have not had any time to finish
and test it. If you are interested in looking at it.... ;)


Message: 1
From: "Jenda Krynicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 20:41:22 +0100
Subject: [ANN] Win32::Daemon::Simple 0.1.0

I've just uploaded a new module to my pages at

It should help you create Windows services. 

If your service only needs to wake up once every N minutes all you 
need is to tell Win32::Daemon::Simple how to name it, what account to 
install it under, what parameters you want stored in the registry and 
a few more options, create the procedure that will do the work and 


The module will make sure your script may be installed with -install

uninstalled with -uninstall

the parameters stored in registry (including the interval) set with -parameter=value

that your script knows whether it was started from the command 
prompt, by a doubleclick or by the service manager.

It will open a log file for you and allow you to write to it with
        Log("Message"); # a timestamp will be added
        LogNT("Message"); # or not

It will read the actual values of the parameters and define constants 
for them, etc. etc. etc.

Please let me know if
        1) it works for you
        2) you find it helpfull
        3) you think you would want some new feature
        4) if you think something hardcoded should be modifyable
        5) ...

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live.
      -- Rick Osborne, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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