On 1/5/04 11:34 AM, "Eric Lease Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My book catalog excels at inventorying my collection. It does a very poor job
> at recommending/suggesting what book(s) to use. The solution is not with more
> powerful search features, nor is it with bibliographic instruction. The
> solution is lies in better, more robust data, as well as access to the full
> text. This is not just a problem with my catalog. It is a problem with online
> public access catalogs everywhere, but I deviate. I'm off topic. All of this
> is fodder for my book catalog's About text.

I have packaged up my implementation of book catalog (Really Rudimentary
Catalog), made the Perl source code available, and re-articulated my ideas
about the limitations of traditional library catalogs here in the system's
About text:


Eric Lease Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame

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