Branch: refs/heads/blead Home: Commit: 11a8a8e2348d2f0d2ffd9543b3bb25c6b0ae9593 Author: Philippe Bruhat (BooK) <> Date: 2023-12-28 (Thu, 28 Dec 2023)
Changed paths: M Porting/ M cpan/Math-BigInt/lib/Math/ M cpan/Math-BigInt/lib/Math/ M cpan/Math-BigInt/lib/Math/BigInt/ M cpan/Math-BigInt/lib/Math/BigInt/ M cpan/Math-BigInt/lib/Math/ M cpan/Math-BigInt/t/big_pi_e.t M cpan/Math-BigInt/t/ M cpan/Math-BigInt/t/ M cpan/Math-BigInt/t/config.t M cpan/Math-BigInt/t/ Log Message: ----------- cpan/Math-BigInt - Update to version 2.003001 2.003001 2023-12-26 * Add configuration methods trap_inf() and trap_nan(). Previously it was only possible to modify these properties by using the config() method. * Fix CPAN RT #150796 so that config() no longer modifies the input when it is a hash ref. * Fix CPAN RT #150797 so that both accuracy and precision can be set simultaneously with config(). * Add the following methods to Math::BigInt - bilog2() base 2 logarithm rounded downwards, i.e., int(log2(x)) - bilog10() base 10 logarithm rounded downwards, i.e., int(log10(x)) - bclog2() base 2 logarithm rounded upwards, i.e., ceil(log2(x)) - bclog10() base 10 logarithm rounded upwards, i.e., ceil(log10(x)) * Add the following backend library methods to Math::BigInt::Lib. These methods do the core computations for the corresponding methods in Math::BigInt (see above). - _ilog2() base 2 logarithm rounded downwards - _ilog10() base 10 logarithm rounded downwards - _clog2() base 2 logarithm rounded upwards - _clog10() base 10 logarithm rounded upwards