Jeffrey Friedl (lists.p5p):
>It's not because I put the extra zeros (0x00E2 vs. 0xE2) that I thought it
>should convert to utf8 for me, but because it was utf8 mode and I was
>asking for the CHaRacter with value 0xE2.

Ooh, uhm, er. Don't know. Jarkko? I'm happy to patch it if that's what
it should be.

>Here's a semi-related question. If I have a string of bytes that I know
>to be valid UTF-8, how can I get Perl to consider them as such?

In bleadperl, pack("U*") will do it.

> I'd hoped that I could just stuff them into a string in a 'use bytes' block

This way lies madness. :)

Disillusion? I can make it for you at home!... Besides, why else did you  
come to the City of Expiring Dreams (apologies to Matthew Arnold)?  
 -- Katherine Kaye, on Oxford.

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