OK, some updates on this, if you're not already bored with it.
Firstly, I've put the whole thing together in a little tarball so you
don't have to apply patches yourself. This should make it a damned sight
easier for y'all to play with it. Get it from


and run Configure in the usual way - then "make miniperl".

Then play.

I've also put a couple of tiny examples in examples/; there are more to
come. Changes to note since last time:

* $a ~ $b should be considered experimental, not gospel. In fact this
  whole thing should be considered experimental. Perl 6 is still very,
  very liable to change; Larry has Rule 2 rights to exercise at any
  time. Nevertheless, this reflects current thinking.

* A nasty method call precedence bug spotted by Alex Gough has been
  fixed. This means that $a.foo now works as an object method call.
  (Previously, "$a = Class.foo" was doing "($a = 'Class').foo", which is
  very wrong.)

* Autoreferencing ($a = @a) now works for lexical aggregates as well
  as globals. (Also spotted by Alex)

* I've *started* work on properties - I can now detect when you're
  calling a property rather than a method, but haven't taken the
  appropriate action yet. I've also put the data structures in place for
  props, so they can happen later.

* Automagic dereferencing of hashes now works; you can say "keys $href"
  and so on. Must work out when to do that for arrays.

fga is frequently given answers... the best are "Date::Calc", "use a hash",
and "yes, it's in CPAN" or Data::Dumper or mySQL or "check your permissions"
or NO Fmh THAT'S WRONG or "You can't. crypt is one-way" or "yes, i'm single"
or "I think that's a faq." or substr! or "use split" or "man perlre" - #perl

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