Thru a series of refactorings of runstep(), I was able to write more
testable internal subroutines and methods, and then write tests for them
t/configure/143-auto_gmp-01.t thru 03.t. I also dealt with the skimply
documentation by quoting from the GNU description of GMP.
Assuming no problems crop
> No, some people put .pl on the end of their "scripts" because they are
> running on broken operating systems.
> So, I imagine, for Perl6, I'll be making the same strong recommendation
> that Perl6 scripts, just like Perl5 and Perl4 scripts before them, have
> extension.
>Randal L. Sch
>> > Jarkko's view was that if he were doing Perl 5 Unicode again he would
>> opt for fixed width 32 bit rather than UTF-8,
It seems to be a general principle of system design that the best way to
process irregular and unpredictable things, is to grab them as close to
the outside of the system a
With the new contributor day coming up, I'd like to run an article on
Perlbuzz about it. Can anyone supply me some text? Or point me to a
preferred old text that I can adapt? I'm looking at
which is from Au
Larry Wall skribis 2008-01-05 17:39 (-0800):
> Already specced. (...)
> It should probably mention Unicode there as well, but the principle is
> already expressed in terms of case-sensitivity.
You're always a few steps ahead :)
Met vriendelijke groet, Kind regards, Korajn salutojn,
Author: allison
Date: Sun Jan 6 01:45:47 2008
New Revision: 24581
[pdd] Formatting cleanup in the GC PDD.
Modified: trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd09_gc.pod
--- trunk/d
Author: allison
Date: Sun Jan 6 01:40:35 2008
New Revision: 24580
[pdd] Adding a reference from chromatic to the GC PDD.
Modified: trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd09_gc.pod
Bram Geron wrote:
The simplest thing I can imagine to create CL/Perl behavior is to
initialize $P0 with nil/undef. But it Doesn't Feel Right(tm) to me doing
this every time. What's your opinion?
Other question: what should compilers do for languages that don't
support multiple values? If such a