Hi all,

Appart from pure hobbyist pleasure, I use Perl for some personal web development. I have (solely) used Mojolicious, really had fun, and learned Perl using it. I have been for some time looking for a Perl6 framework for web development (Perl6 bewitched me), and Bailador looks like an attractive Perl6 starting point.

While trying to build an application with Bailador, I came across with Cro. While it looked quite complicated at the beginning, after watching Jonathan Worthington presentation [1] Cro looks quite versatile, close to new Perl6 features and very Promising ("anything can be put behind a Promise, but they can also be broken"). This weekend, I have been trying to build a simple web application with Cro [2], and it more or less worked out (and learned a lot of Perl6).

Before investing more time in this project, I wonder if you have any advice or suggestions on Bailador, Cro (or another framework like Hiker [3]). Also, I would appreciate if you could point to some working examples (like [4] or [5] ).

Many thanks!
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CsBDnTUJ3A
[2] https://github.com/mimosinnet/Cro-Personal-Web
[3] https://github.com/tony-o/perl6-hiker
[4] https://github.com/lancew/MyJudo
[5] https://github.com/szabgab/Perl6-Maven

(≧∇≦) Mimosinnet (Linux User: #463211)

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