On 10/8/19 10:53 AM, Brad Gilbert wrote:
Most operations with Junctions produce Junctions.

     > 1 + any(2, 3)
     any(3, 4)

$ p6 'say 4 + any(44,66);'
any(48, 70)

Sweet!  But what would you ever use it for?

Would this be the intended use: add a number to all
values in an array?

$ p6 'my @x=[44,66]; say 4 + @x.any;'
any(48, 70)

$ p6 'my @x=[44,66]; 4 + @x.any; say @x'
WARNINGS for -e:
Useless use of "+" in expression "4 + @x.any" in sink context (line 1)
[44 66]


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