The only reasonable way of doing loops is to use highly verbose syntax:


# sample while loop

As_Long_As[0] __(*&%$ <boolean expression> $%&*)__
       # 7 (spaces required)

       while_perchance[0] # statement 1

       avoid_exit_if (<condition>) # after every line, add this to decide
                                   # whether you can really get out of the loop

       while_perchance[0] # statement 2

       avoid_exit_if (<condition>)#

       while_perchance[0] # statement 3

       avoid_exit_if (<condition>)#

       while_perchance[1] # statement 4 wrong! you haven't initialized
                          # loop 1 yet!

       avoid_exit_if (<condition>)#

       # you have to have a blank line after every statenent
       # also, you have to have a comment after every statement to 
         # encourage good programming behavior

       # nice thing about this is, you don't need semicolons inside
       # of loops.

this way, you can make a reference to a while loop:

(*&%$loop = while_perchance[0];



Requires only a few short, easy-to-use rules.
With such obvious benefits, why use any other method?

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