Hi all,

I've been lurking for a bit until I'm up to speed enough to help out.  I'm glad to see 
a glossary is forming of some of the terms newbies need, but there are some things I 
think are missing.

First is that COW was discussed a few days (weeks?) ago, but doesn't appear to have 
made it to the glossary.  

Next is that garbage collection should probably be listed under it's acronym GC.  
Probably with a description of what it is and how it works under Parrot.

Lastly, in the several months I've been lurking I've never seen a description of what 
the heck PMC stands for.  I'm guessing maybe something like Parrot meta-class?  
Anyway, the correct name and definition would be appreciated here as well.

If someone helps provide reliable definitions for these I'll format and provide a 
patch for the glossary pod.

(a.k.a. {NULE} on perlmonks.org)

PS Other website updates:
Aren't we on version 0.0.6 now?  It says 0.0.4 on the front page.  Also is the rsync 
command on the front page correct?  Shouldn't we be using anonymous CVS instead?

>>> Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/11/02 04:43PM >>>
>And most of my experience with taxicabs is in Boston and Manhattan. 
>I'm not sure I want an algorithm that drives on the sidewalks, runs 
>red lights, and chases pedestrians....

Ah, shades of "top ten things you'd overhear a Klingon programmer saying".   "Klingons 
do not make software 'releases'. Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of 
designers and quality assurance people in its wake."

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