
I've been thinking about how to run un-trusted code,
without having to audit every line, or use some sort of sandbox,
and was wondering if Parrot could provide a Mandator Access 
Control mechanism (ala SE Linux/Flask).

When assembling Parrot, the assembler could either look in a 
file or a perl BEGIN type block containing a list of access 
requests along the lines of:

  syscall time
  read-write directory /tmp
  listen socket 80
  connect socket 25
  read-write file /etc/shadow

These commands should be easy/quick to audit, could be easily
generated by higher level language complier from similar 
directives in whichever language it is compiling, and parrot 
would guarentee that only these system priviledges were 

As a sysadmin I'd certainly be gratefull to have a small
block to audit and be certain of what a module/program could
do to my system.

If people think something like this would be usefull, I'd be
more than happy to research this further and try to come up
with some code....


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