On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 06:34, Piers Cawley wrote:
>   Compiling to Parrot
>     K Stol is looking for a final project for his Bachelor's degree and
>     would like to implement some language targeting Parrot and asked for
>     suggestions. Simon Wistow suggested PHP or Lua, Leon Brocard suggested
>     Java (though Gopal V wasn't sure that was such a good idea just yet).
>     Dan suggested that, just because someone else was already working on a
>     TCL compiler it didn't mean it wasn't worth trying anyway, but
>     apparently it would have been unlikely to get approval as a Bachelor's
>     project. There was some further discussion of Lua and whether there
>     would be any real point in implementing it and the thread died down
>     before Mr Stol told anyone what he'd decided to do, which was rather a
>     shame I thought.
>     <http://makeashorterlink.com/?R1C423D33>

i suggest smalltalk (esp. Squeak!), or Mozilla's XUL.


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