On Thu Jun 28 01:11:14 2012, gerd.r.de...@googlemail.com wrote:
> <not_gerd> rn: sub ($ = 42 --> Int) { ... }
> <p6eval> niecza v19-4-g12b71c7:  ( no output )
> <p6eval> ..rakudo 88a9d6: OUTPUT«===SORRY!===␤Missing block␤at
> /tmp/rjG5cSGHkE:1␤»

I ran into this with a named subroutine but noticed there that the 
prefix form of declaring the return type seems to be effective as a 


sub foo(Int $x = 3 --> Rat) { return $x / 2}

unsurprisingly gives the same error but

my/our Rat sub foo(Int $x = 3) { return $x / 2}

seems to work as expected.

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