On Wed Dec 30 16:00:38 2015, alex.jakime...@gmail.com wrote:
> Code:
> my @result = ^1000 .hyper.map: * + 10;
> say @result ~~ @result.sort
> Result:
> False
> 「hyper」 is supposed to give results in the original order.
> “The order of elements is preserved.” (http://doc.perl6.org/routine/hyper)
> However, the order is definitely messed up.
> Here is an example on camelia:
> <ZoffixWin> m: my @result = ^10 .hyper(:1batch).map: *+0; say [@result,
> @result.sort]
> <camelia> rakudo-moar eca5df: OUTPUT«[[0 2 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 7] (0 1 2 3 4 5 6
> 7 8 9)]␤»
> The output is not consistent, every time you run it you can get a new
> result.

This is working with a recent rakudo, and is closable with tests.

Will "Coke" Coleda

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