# New Ticket Created by  Klaas-Jan Stol 
# Please include the string:  [perl #41659]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=41659 >


currently pynie is kinda broken due to my patches. I'm trying very hard 
to fix it again.
attached a patch for pynie:

* grammar should be ok now. (not completely tested, but first trying to 
get basic things working again) (there might be some clean up tasks)
* at least it will eat very very very simple input again (instead of 
complaining about non existing past stuff)

I've got some other things to do, but I'll try to fix pynie as soon as I 
can so it works as the initial check in.

Index: languages/pynie/src/parser/Grammar.pg
--- languages/pynie/src/parser/Grammar.pg	(revision 17229)
+++ languages/pynie/src/parser/Grammar.pg	(working copy)
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@
     | <keyword_arguments>
         [ <','> <'*'> <expression> ]?
         [ <','> <'**'> <expression> ]?
-    | <','> <'*'> <expression>
+    | <'*'> <expression>
         [ <','> <'**'> <expression> ]?
-    | <','> <'**'> <expression>
+    | <'**'> <expression>
 rule positional_arguments {
@@ -161,18 +161,7 @@
     <'('> <expression_list>? <')'>
-rule or_test {
-    <and_test> | <or_test> <'or'> <and_test>
-rule and_test {
-    <not_test> | <and_test> <'and'> <not_test>
-rule not_test {
-    <comparison> | <'not'> <not_test>
 rule lambda_form {
     <'lambda'> <parameter_list>? <':'> <expression>
@@ -210,20 +199,26 @@
 rule target_list { <target> [ <','> <target> ]* <','>? }
 rule target {
-    | <identifier>
     | <'('> <target_list> <')'>
     | <'['> <target_list> <']'>
-    | <attributeref>
-    | <subscription>
-    | <slicing>
+    | <primary>
+    #| <primary> <attributeref>
+    #| <primary> <subscription>
+    #| <primary> <slicing>
+    | <identifier>
+rule call {
+    | <'('> [ <argument_list>? <','>? ]? <')'>
+    | <'('> [ <argument_list> <','>? | <test> <genexpr_for> ] <')'>
 rule attributeref {
-    <primary> <'.'> <identifier>
+    <'.'> <identifier>
 rule subscription {
-    <primary> <'['> <expression_list> <']'>
+    <'['> <expression_list> <']'>
 rule slicing {
@@ -231,11 +226,11 @@
 rule simple_slicing {
-    <primary> <'['> <short_slice> <']'>
+    <'['> <short_slice> <']'>
 rule extended_slicing {
-    <primary> <'['> <slice_list> <']'>
+    <'['> <slice_list> <']'>
 rule slice_list {
@@ -263,7 +258,7 @@
 token name { <!reserved> <[a..z]> [ <alpha> | <'_'> ]* }
 rule print_stmt {
-    <'print'> [ <expression> [ <','> <expression> ]* (<','>?) ]?
+    <'print'> [ <expression> [ <','> <expression> ]* <','>? ]?
 rule pass_stmt {
@@ -409,20 +404,18 @@
     | <'>>='> | <'<<='> | <'&='> | <'^='> | <'|='>
-rule call {
-    <primary> <'('> [ <argument_list>? <','>? ]? <')'>
-    # XXX
+rule primary {
+    <atom> <postop>*
-rule primary {
-    | <atom>
-    #| <attributeref>
-    #| <subscription>
-    #| <slicing>
-    #| <call>
+rule postop {
+    | <attributeref>
+    | <subscription>
+    | <slicing>
+    | <call>
 rule atom {
     <identifier> | <literal> | <enclosure>
@@ -444,7 +437,7 @@
 rule genexpr_for {
-    <'for'> <expression_list> <'in'> <test> 
+    <'for'> <expression_list> <'in'> <test>
@@ -472,82 +465,64 @@
     <'`'> <expression_list> <'`'>
-## This identifies operators for the bottom-up parser
-## See operator precedence table at http://docs.python.org/ref/summary.html
+# Evaluation order of expressions is based on the table as provided in
+# http://docs.python.org/ref/summary.html
+rule expression {
+    | <or_test> [ <'if'> <or_test> <'else'> <test> ]?
+    | <lambda_form>
-token 'expression' is optable { ... }
+rule or_test {
+    <and_test> [ <'or'> <and_test> ]*
-proto 'term:'      is precedence('=')
-    is parsed(&term)
-    { ... }
+rule and_test {
+    <not_test> [ <'and'> <not_test> ]*
-# should this be primary??
-token term {
-    | <literal>
-    | <identifier>
-    | <list_display>
+rule not_test {
+    | <'not'> <not_test>
+    | <not_in_test>
-proto 'infix:**'   is looser('term:')  {...}
+rule not_in_test {
+    <is_not_test> [ <'not'>? <'in'> <is_not_test> ]*
-proto 'prefix:~'    is looser('infix:**') { ... }
-proto 'prefix:+'    is looser('prefix:~') { ... }
-proto 'prefix:-'    is equiv('prefix:+') { ... }
+rule is_not_test {
+    <comparison> [ <'is'> <'not'>? <comparison> ]*
-proto 'infix:*'    is looser('prefix:+')
-    is pirop('mul')
-    { ... }
+token 'comparison' is optable { ... }
-proto 'infix:/'    is equiv('infix:*')
-    is pirop('div')
-    { ... }
+proto 'term:'      is precedence('=')    is parsed(&primary) { ... }
+proto 'infix:**'   is looser('term:')        { ... }
+proto 'prefix:~'   is looser('infix:**')     { ... }
+proto 'prefix:+'   is looser('prefix:~')     { ... }
+proto 'prefix:-'   is equiv('prefix:+')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:*'    is looser('prefix:+') is pirop('mul')     { ... }
+proto 'infix:/'    is equiv('infix:*')   is pirop('div')     { ... }
+proto 'infix://'   is equiv('infix:*')       { ... }
+proto 'infix:%'    is equiv('infix:*')   is pirop('mod')     { ... }
+proto 'infix:+'    is looser('infix:*')  is pirop('add')     { ... }
+proto 'infix:-'    is equiv('infix:+')   is pirop('sub')     { ... }
-proto 'infix:%'    is equiv('infix:*')
-    is pirop('mod')
-    { ... }
+proto 'infix:<<'   is looser('infix:+')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:>>'   is equiv('infix:<<')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:&'    is looser('infix:<<')     { ... }
+proto 'infix:^'    is looser('infix:&')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:|'    is looser('infix:^')      { ... }
-proto 'infix:+'    is looser('infix:*')
-    is pirop('add')
-    { ... }
+proto 'infix:=='   is looser('infix:|')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:!='   is equiv('infix:==')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:<='   is equiv('infix:==')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:>='   is equiv('infix:==')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:<'    is equiv('infix:==')      { ... }
+proto 'infix:>'    is equiv('infix:==')      { ... }
-proto 'infix:-'    is equiv('infix:+')
-    is pirop('sub')
-    { ... }
-proto 'infix:<<' is looser('infix:+') { ... }
-proto 'infix:>>' is equiv('infix:<<') { ... }
-proto 'infix:&' is looser('infix:<<') { ... }
-proto 'infix:^' is looser('infix:&') { ... }
-proto 'infix:|' is looser('infix:^') { ... }
-proto 'infix:=='   is looser('infix:|')  { ... }
-proto 'infix:!='   is equiv('infix:==')  { ... }
-proto 'infix:<='   is equiv('infix:==')  { ... }
-proto 'infix:>='   is equiv('infix:==')  { ... }
-proto 'infix:<'    is equiv('infix:==')  { ... }
-proto 'infix:>'    is equiv('infix:==')  { ... }
-# "is not" infix operator is handled by combining 'prefix:not' and 'infix:is'
-proto 'infix:is' is looser('infix:==') { ... }
-proto 'infix:in' is looser('infix:is') { ... }
-proto 'prefix:not' is looser('infix:in') { ... }
-# to handle "not in" as infix op, combine 'prefix:in' and 'infix:not'
-# this also allows for "x = 1 not 2", which is of course Wrong.
-# Fix this later (new category of operator??)
-proto 'infix:not' is looser('infix:in') { ... }
-proto 'prefix:in' is looser('infix:is') { ... }
-proto 'infix:and' is looser('prefix:not') { ... }
-proto 'infix:or' is looser('infix:and') { ... }
 ## Python reserved words and keywords
 token reserved {
Index: languages/pynie/src/PAST/Grammar.tg
--- languages/pynie/src/PAST/Grammar.tg	(revision 17229)
+++ languages/pynie/src/PAST/Grammar.tg	(working copy)
@@ -28,12 +28,33 @@
     $P0 = node['compound_stmt']
+  if_stmt:
     $P1 = $P0['if_stmt']
     if null $P1 goto while_stmt
     .return tree.'get'('past', $P1, 'Pynie::Grammar::if_stmt')
     $P1 = $P0['while_stmt']
+    if null $P1 goto for_stmt
     .return tree.'get'('past', $P1, 'Pynie::Grammar::while_stmt')
+  for_stmt:
+    $P1 = $P0['for_stmt']
+    if null $P1 goto try_stmt
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P1, 'Pynie::Grammar::for_stmt')
+  try_stmt:
+    $P1 = $P0['try_stmt']
+    if null $P1 goto with_stmt
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P1, 'Pynie::Grammar::try_stmt')
+  with_stmt:
+    $P1 = $P0['with_stmt']
+    if null $P1 goto funcdef
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P1, 'Pynie::Grammar::with_stmt')
+  funcdef:
+    $P1 = $P0['funcdef']
+    if null $P1 goto classdef
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P1, 'Pynie::Grammar::funcdef')
+  classdef:
+    $P1 = $P0['classdef']
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P1, 'Pynie::Grammar::classdef')
@@ -65,21 +86,122 @@
     key = shift iter
     cnode = hash[key]
     key = concat 'Pynie::Grammar::', key
+    ##printerr "past::simple_stmt; invoking "
+    ##printerr key
+    ##printerr "\n"
     .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, key)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::assert_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+## From http://docs.python.org/ref/assert.html
+##    The simple form, "assert expression", is equivalent to
+##if __debug__:
+##   if not expression: raise AssertionError
+##The extended form, "assert expression1, expression2", is equivalent to
+##if __debug__:
+##   if not expression1: raise AssertionError, expression2
+    #past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'if')
+    #$P0 = node['expression']
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# assert_stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::augmented_assignment_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# augmented assignment stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::expression_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['expression_list']
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::expression_list')
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::del_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# del stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+# Handle "pass" statement; only emit a comment
+# Alternative would be to _not_ create a PAST node, but then
+# extra logic would be necessary in both stmt_list() and simple_stmt().
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::pass_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# pass')
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::return_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'pirop', 'pirop'=>'return')
+    $P0 = node['expression_list']
+## FIX:
+## Returning something does not work; 'method 'from' not found...
+    if null $P0 goto skip_expression_list
+    .local pmc expr_list_past
+    expr_list_past = tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::expression_list')
+    past.'push'(expr_list_past)
+  skip_expression_list:
+    .return (past)
+## FIX:
+## generated code is nonsense for yield_stmt
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::yield_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'pirop', 'pirop'=>'yield')
+    $P0 = node['expression_list']
+    .local pmc expr_list_past
+    expr_list_past = tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::expression_list')
+    past.'push'(expr_list_past)
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::break_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# break not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::continue_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# continue not implemented')
+    .return (past)
 transform past (Pynie::Grammar::print_stmt) :language('PIR') {
     .local pmc past
     past = new 'PAST::Op'
     past.'init'('node'=>node, 'name'=>'print')
-    $P0 = node[0]
-    $S0 = $P0[0]
-    if $S0 == ',' goto skip_nl
-    past.'name'('printnl')
+    ###printerr "expression\n"
+ #   $P0 = node[0]
+ #   $S0 = $P0[0]
+ #   if $S0 == ',' goto skip_nl
+ #   past.'name'('printnl')
+    ###printerr "get print expression\n"
     .local pmc iter
     $P0 = node['expression']
     iter = new .Iterator, $P0
@@ -94,27 +216,92 @@
     .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::import_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# import stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::raise_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# raise stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::global_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# global stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
 transform past (Pynie::Grammar::expression) :language('PIR') {
-    $P0 = node['expr']
+    $P0 = node['or_test']
+    $P0 = $P0[0] # this is a hack, 'rule expression' has 1 or more <or_test>s, so it stores them in an array. Handle $P0[1] later.
+    #printerr "pynie::grammar::expression\n"
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::or_test')
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::or_test) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['and_test']
+    $P0 = $P0[0] # this is a hack, 'rule expression' has 1 or more <or_test>s, so it stores them in an array. Handle $P0[1] later.
+    #printerr "pynie::grammar::or_test\n"
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::and_test')
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::and_test) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['not_test']
+    $P0 = $P0[0] # this is a hack, 'rule expression' has 1 or more <or_test>s, so it stores them in an array. Handle $P0[1] later.
+    #printerr "pynie::grammar::and_test\n"
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::not_test')
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::not_test) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['not_in_test']
+    #printerr "pynie::grammar::not_test\n"
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::not_in_test')
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::not_in_test) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['is_not_test']
+    $P0 = $P0[0] # this is a hack, 'rule expression' has 1 or more <or_test>s, so it stores them in an array. Handle $P0[1] later.
+    #printerr "pynie::grammar::not_in_test\n"
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::is_not_test')
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::is_not_test) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['comparison']
+    $P0 = $P0[0]
+    $P0 = $P0['expr']
+    #printerr "pynie::grammar::is_not_test\n"
     .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::expr')
 transform past (Pynie::Grammar::expr) :language('PIR') {
     .local string type
     type = node['type']
     if type == 'term:' goto past_term
     .local pmc optable, optok
     .local string pasttype, pirop, returns
     .local int islvalue
+    ##printerr "ok 1\n"
     optable = get_hll_global [ 'Pynie::Grammar' ], '$optable'
     optok = optable[type]
+    ##printerr "ok 2\n"
     pasttype = optok['past']
+    ##printerr "ok 3\n"
     pirop = optok['pirop']
+    ##printerr "ok 4\n"
     returns = optok['returns']
+    ##printerr "ok 5\n"
     islvalue = optok['lvalue']
+    ##printerr "ok 6\n"
     .local pmc past, iter
     past = new 'PAST::Op'
@@ -125,6 +312,7 @@
     iter = new .Iterator, $P0
     unless iter goto iter_end
     $P0[0;'islvalue'] = islvalue
     .local pmc cnode, cpast
     cnode = shift iter
@@ -136,31 +324,64 @@
     .return (past)
-    .return tree.'get'('past_term', node, 'Pynie::Grammar::expr')
+#   .return tree.'get'('past_term', node, 'Pynie::Grammar::expr')
+    $P0 = node['atom']
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::atom')
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::primary) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc atomnode, atompast
+    atomnode = node['atom']
+    atompast = tree.'get'('past', atomnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::atom')
+    .return (atompast)
-transform past_term (Pynie::Grammar::expr) :language('PIR') {
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::atom) :language('PIR') {
     .local pmc cnode
-    cnode = node['literal']
-    if null cnode goto list_display
-    .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::literal')
-  list_display:
-    cnode = node['list_display']
-    if null cnode goto identifier
-    .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::list_display')
     cnode = node['identifier']
+    if null cnode goto literal
+    #printerr "atom::identifier\n"
     .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::identifier')
+  literal:
+    cnode = node['literal']
+    if null cnode goto enclosure
+    .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::literal')
+  enclosure:
+    cnode = node['enclosure']
+    .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::enclosure')
+#transform past_term (Pynie::Grammar::expr) :language('PIR') {
+#    .local pmc cnode
+#    cnode = node['literal']
+#    if null cnode goto list_display
+#    .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::literal')
+#  list_display:
+#    cnode = node['list_display']
+#    if null cnode goto identifier
+#    .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::list_display')
+#  identifier:
+#    cnode = node['identifier']
+#    .return tree.'get'('past', cnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::identifier')
 transform past (Pynie::Grammar::literal) :language('PIR') {
     .local pmc past, cnode
     cnode = node['integer']
     unless null cnode goto integer
     cnode = node['stringliteral']
     unless null cnode goto stringliteral
+    cnode = node['longinteger']
+    unless null cnode goto longinteger
+    cnode = node['floatnumber']
+    unless null cnode goto floatnumber
+    cnode = node['imagnumber']
+    unless null cnode goto imagnumber
+    #printerr "Error in past::literal\n"
+    exit 1
     past = new 'PAST::Val'
@@ -172,6 +393,13 @@
     $S0 = cnode
     past.'init'('node'=>cnode, 'vtype'=>'.Undef', 'name'=>$S0)
     .return (past)
+  longinteger:
+  floatnumber:
+  imagnumber:
@@ -201,7 +429,19 @@
 transform past (Pynie::Grammar::identifier) :language('PIR') {
     .local pmc past
-    $S0 = node
+    $P0 = new .Iterator, node
+    #printerr "'"
+    #printerr node
+    #printerr "'\n"
+   L1:
+    unless $P0 goto L2
+    $P1 = shift $P0
+    #printerr $P1
+    #printerr "\n"
+    goto L1
+   L2:
+    $S0 = node['identifier']
     past = new 'PAST::Var'
     past.'init'('node'=>node, 'name'=>$S0, 'scope'=>'package')
     .return (past)
@@ -230,9 +470,10 @@
     targetiter = new .Iterator, $P0
     unless targetiter goto iter_end
-    .local pmc targetnode
+    .local pmc targetnode, targetpast
     targetnode = shift targetiter
-    $S0 = targetnode
+    targetpast = tree.'get'('past', targetnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::identifier')
+    $S0 = targetpast['name']
     past.'push_new'('PAST::Var', 'name'=>$S0, 'islvalue'=>1, 'scope'=>'package')
     goto iter_loop
@@ -297,6 +538,11 @@
 transform past (Pynie::Grammar::while_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+   # .local pmc past
+   # past = new 'PAST::Op'
+   # past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# while stmt not implemented')
+   # .return (past)
     .local pmc exprnode, stmtnode
     exprnode = node['expression']
     stmtnode = node['suite']
@@ -312,8 +558,150 @@
     .return (past)
+## FIX: complete this
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::for_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# for stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+#   .local pmc tlistnode, elistnode, suitenode
+#   tlistnode = node['target_list']
+#   elistnode = node['expression_list']
+#   suitenode = node['suite']
+#   .local pmc past, tlistpast, elistpast, suitepast
+#   past = new 'PAST::Op'
+#   past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'while')
+#   tlistpast = tree.'get'('past', tlistnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::target_list')
+#   #past.'push'(tlistpast)
+#   elistpast = tree.'get'('past', elistnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::expression_list')
+#   past.'push'(elistpast)
+#   suitepast = tree.'get'('past', suitenode, 'Pynie::Grammar::suite')
+#   past.'push'(suitepast)
+#   .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::try_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# try stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::with_stmt) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# with stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::funcdef) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Block'
+    .local pmc decnode, fnamenode, plistnode, suitenode
+#   decnode   = node['decorators']
+    fnamenode = node['funcname']
+#   plistnode = node['parameter_list']
+#   suitenode = node['suite']
+#   .local pmc past
+#   past = new 'PAST::Block'
+#   if null decnode goto skip_decorators
+#   # handle decorators
+#   #printerr "Function decorators not implemented!\n"
+#   exit 1
+# skip_decorators:
+    .local pmc fnamepast
+    fnamepast = tree.'get'('past', fnamenode, 'Pynie::Grammar::funcname')
+#   if null plistnode goto skip_parameter_list
+#   #.local plistpast
+#   #plistpast = tree.'get'('past', plistnode, 'Pynie::Grammar::parameter_list')
+#   #printerr "Parameters not implemented!\n"
+#   exit 1
+# skip_parameter_list:
+#   .local pmc stmtpast
+#   stmtpast = tree.'get'('past', suitenode, 'Pynie::Grammar::suite')
+#   # FIX
+#   past.'init'('node'=>node, 'name'=>fnamepast)
+#   .local pmc past
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'name'=>fnamepast)
+    .return (past)
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::funcname) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['identifier']
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::identifier')
+## FIX: fix this, not sure about how to handle instructions such
+## as subclass etc.
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::classdef) :language('PIR') {
+    .local pmc past
+    past = new 'PAST::Op'
+    past.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'inline', 'inline'=>'# classdef stmt not implemented')
+    .return (past)
+#   .local pmc past
+#   past = new 'PAST::Stmts'
+#   past.'init'('node'=>node)
+#   .local pmc instr
+#   instr = new 'PAST::Op'
+#   $P0 = node['inheritance']
+#   if null $P0 goto skip_inheritance
+#   instr.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'pirop', 'pirop'=>'subclass')
+#   # inheritancenot implemented right now
+#   goto handle_class_body
+# skip_inheritance:
+#   instr.'init'('node'=>node, 'pasttype'=>'pirop', 'pirop'=>'newclass')
+#   $P0 = node['classname']
+#   $P1 = tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::classname')
+#   instr.'push'($P1)
+# handle_class_body:
+#   # add newclass or subclass instruction to Stmts node
+#   past.'push'(instr)
+#   # add a .namespace[ <class_id> ] instruction to add methods?
+#   $P0 = node['suite']
+#   $P1 = tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::suite')
+#   past.'push'($P1)
+# done:
+#   .return (past)
+## FIX: Return class name as a string, not using "get_global" as in identifier.
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::classname) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['identifier']
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::identifier')
+transform past (Pynie::Grammar::inheritance) :language('PIR') {
+    $P0 = node['expression_list']
+    .return tree.'get'('past', $P0, 'Pynie::Grammar::expression_list')
 transform past (Pynie::Grammar::suite) :language('PIR') {
     $P0 = node['stmt_list']
     if null $P0 goto statements

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