# New Ticket Created by  Jerry Gay 
# Please include the string:  [perl #50400]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=50400 >

        C:\usr\bin\perl-5.8.8\bin\perl.exe -e "" >PGE\builtins_gen.pir
        ..\..\parrot.exe -o PGE.pbc --output-pbc PGE.pir
--output=PGE\builtins_gen.pir PGE\builtins.pg
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '..\..\parrot.exe' : return code '0xc0000005'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\usr\bin\perl-5.8.8\bin\perl.exe' :
return code '0x2'

i prefer my COWs unexploded:
        msvcr80.dll!memcpy(unsigned char * dst=0x1001c301, unsigned char *
src=0x00000000, unsigned long count=5)  Line 233        Asm
>       libparrot.dll!Parrot_unmake_COW(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8,
parrot_string_t * s=0x03c53c08)  Line 103 + 0x17 bytes  C
        libparrot.dll!string_downcase_inplace(parrot_interp_t *
interp=0x033d11b8, parrot_string_t * s=0x03c53c08)  Line 2572 + 0xd
bytes   C
        libparrot.dll!string_downcase(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8,
const parrot_string_t * s=0x03c53c58)  Line 2548 + 0xd bytes    C
        libparrot.dll!Parrot_downcase_s_s(long * cur_opcode=0x03c3e674,
parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8)  Line 449 + 0x19 bytes     C
        libparrot.dll!runops_slow_core(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8,
long * pc=0x03c3e674)  Line 212 + 0x18 bytes    C
        libparrot.dll!runops_int(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8,
unsigned int offset=22)  Line 876 + 0xb bytes   C
        libparrot.dll!runops(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8, unsigned
int offs=22)  Line 104 + 0xd bytes      C
        libparrot.dll!runops_args(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8, PMC *
sub=0x03bb3900, PMC * obj=0x032db1e0, parrot_string_t *
meth_unused=0x00000000, const char * sig=0x102cc884, char *
ap=0x0017fe70)  Line 230 + 0xd bytes    C
        libparrot.dll!Parrot_runops_fromc_args(parrot_interp_t *
interp=0x033d11b8, PMC * sub=0x03bb3900, const char * sig=0x102cc884,
...)  Line 299 + 0x1d bytes     C
        libparrot.dll!run_sub(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8, PMC *
sub_pmc=0x03bb3900)  Line 483 + 0x12 bytes      C
        libparrot.dll!do_1_sub_pragma(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8,
PMC * sub_pmc=0x03bb3900, int action=1)  Line 573 + 0xd bytes   C
        libparrot.dll!do_sub_pragmas(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8,
PackFile_ByteCode * self=0x03bd1090, int action=1, PMC *
eval_pmc=0x00000000)  Line 707 + 0x11 bytes     C
        libparrot.dll!PackFile_fixup_subs(parrot_interp_t *
interp=0x033d11b8, pbc_action_enum_t what=PBC_MAIN, PMC *
eval=0x00000000)  Line 3738 + 0x18 bytes        C
        libparrot.dll!imcc_run_pbc(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8, int
obj_file=0, const char * output_file=0x00000000, int argc=3, const
char * * argv=0x033d2ef4)  Line 791 + 0xd bytes C
        libparrot.dll!imcc_run(parrot_interp_t * interp=0x033d11b8, const
char * sourcefile=0x033d2f2c, int argc=3, const char * *
argv=0x033d2ef4)  Line 1076 + 0x19 bytes        C
        parrot.exe!main(int argc=3, const char * * argv=0x033d2ef4)  Line 56
+ 0x15 bytes    C
        parrot.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 586 + 0x17 bytes   C
        [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for


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